I googled and can't find a succinct answer.
Last night, I felt such strong movement that it woke me up. I think LO was trying to flip from transverse to another position. My stomach was really heaving around.
Today I haven't felt much from him at all. And I've even had two Reece's cups and an orange, for medicinal purposes...
So, a decrease in movement is supposed to indicate what?
Re: What is the reason for decreased fetal movement?
In addition to what PP said, if you felt tons of mvmt last night, then LO may have changed positions. He could be kicking your placenta now and you just can't feel it as well. Do you have a doppler? If so, listen for the heartrate to spike and lower repeatedly - these are called accelerations and indicate that LO is, in fact, moving - even if you can't feel it. Your OB will also do this for you if you are really worried. GL - HTH
My question was probably not worded well enough, and that's my mistake. I was trying to ask what the medical reason would be for decreased fetal movement. Distress? Some kind of cord issue? Etc.
I'm sure that in my case it does have to do with the change in position, as another poster replied.
It can be a number of reason. The baby could have the cord wrapped around their neck, a knot could be in the cord, they could be pushing down on their cord, and I think there are other unknown reason as well.
Just keep a kick count and if you have worries then call your OB. Always safe then sorry.
DO a kick count. Any fewer than 10 movements in 2 hours is cause for concern.
I had to go to L&D for decreased movement on Saturday. Turns out I was contracting regularly and that can cause a change in fetal activity. If I were you, I would track the movements in case LO's shift last night has caused a cord issue.
Other possible causes for decreased movement are fetal distress, placenta issues, growth spurts, among other things.