3rd Trimester

Failed my 3 hour :(

I feel like such a failure.  Now I have to wait for the specialist to call me from the hospital to schedule an appt to discuss my diet and I have to start checking my blood sugar 4 times a day.  She just said I had a couple of high scores on the test.  Does this officially mean I have GD?  Am I high risk now?  UGGGGGHHHH!  So flustered!
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Re: Failed my 3 hour :(

  • Hang in there! Remember this is not your fault, you did not do anything to cause this. Technically yes you are GD and labeled as high risk, but remember this doesn't mean that you will have complications, it just means they will be watching things more closely.I failed mine at 28 weeks and had to go on the GD diet. It was not so bad, it took a little adjusting, but after a few days I started to get the hang of it. Hopefully your experience will be like mine. I have been able to remain diet controlled, no pills or insulin and other than just a few high numbers, the sugar level has been easy to control. I am 39 weeks 2 days with a scheduled c-sec on Friday (unless LO decides to come on their own before that). You can do it!

    On the upside, due to the GD status we got extra ultrasounds to check the baby's size. It was great to be able to see our LO. Try to focus on the positives.

  • Try not to be hard on yourself, you did nothing wrong.  I can say this now after spending the last part of the week very upset (thinking it was my fault).  I was diagnosed with GD last Thursday, went to an endocrinologists on Friday and was placed on a special meal plan and have to check my glucose levels 4 times a day.   I am on day 3 now.   If you are diagnosed with GD, there are wonderful ladies on the High Risk board with a wealth of information.  You'll get through this! 
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  • I have GD and really...its not that bad.  The diet is far easier to follow once you get an idea of what carbs are in what foods and you will figure out what your body can tolerate.  As far as being "high risk" I would say no...and so did my dr...as long as you are responsible most women go on to have completely normal healthy pregnancies with the only pain being having to check your sugar every day!
  • I was testeed very early on.  And I have to admit I cried : (  But its really not as bad as I thought it would be....the testing I mean.  I have a hard time with the diet because I have HG and food issues are just complicated anyway, but you'll be okay.  The testing doesn't really hurt at all...you get used to it very quickly. 
    Asher Benjamin and Lola Aisling

    PCOS, Progesterone Deficiency Disorder, Multiple Miscarriage
    Clomid, Metformin, Ovadril, PIO, P17 Iron/Platlet Tranfusion

    My Spring Babies! 
    <3 Angel Baby   Elisabeth Adelle  April 2008 <3
    Asher Benjamin  April 2010
    Lola Aisling  May 2014
  • Sorry! I was devastated at first, and so embarrassed, feeling like I had failed my babies and everything. I had to wait a week before I met with the diabetic counselor and nurtritionist. It took me until a few days after that appointment to realize that it really wasn't my fault. It's not anything you did wrong, your body just needs some help with processing the blood sugar because the insulin production isn't enough. You can do the diet, it really isn't that bad! And if you can't control it simply with diet, that doesn't mean you have failed that either, your body just needs a bit more help. The girls on the high-risk board have been amazing, I invite you to join us over there. We do a check-in for us GD ladies, and the Sugar Mama's button is from that board also.
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