3rd Trimester

*~* April Due Drops Check In *~* Monday

Morning Everyone! Here is our check-in for everyone with a due date in April 2010. If you would like to be added please post your bump name ? real name ? age and your EDD (expected delivery date). If I missed you at the last check in please post again.

If anything has changed, like your EDD after the U/S please post an update with your original EDD so I can easily find you on the list. Also make sure we know which team you are on when you find out the sex! I will add Team GREEN, BLUE, or PINK after your info!

If you are listed in the due date needed list, please update your due date for me so that I can add you to the correct date.

Check-ins will be every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by 9am EST.  Feel free to check-in any time that day.  Give us a general update on your progress and anything else you want to add!  We will have a question of the day as well.  There will also be a link to the check-in posted sometime after 3pm EST on M, W, and F. Friday is bump Fridays, let?s show off those bellies ladies!

Gift Exchange is being organized by Jessys_Girl (thanks so much!) and the link to her original post about the exchange can be found here: UPDATE: Don?t forget gifts need to be shipped out by Jan 31st!

https://community.thebump.com/cs/ks/forums/thread/24976715.aspx https://community.thebump.com/cs/ks/forums/thread/26903374.aspx#backToTopAnchor

April Due Drops Facts:                                      

(as of  12-15-09)  thanks for the list PammyG08

Out of 573 April girls on that list

Boy -87 Girl -88 Green -52 Twins - 9 sets

(updated 1/10/10) There are now 593 girls

Boy - 110 Girl - 119 Green - 56 Twins - 10 sets

QOTD:   Who do you plan to have in the delivery room with you?

Thoughts and well wishes goes to:


Sejabernathy, in the hospital with contractions and 1cm dialated here is her post on the board https://community.thebump.com/cs/ks/forums/30357878/ShowThread.aspx#30357878

UPDATE: She came off of the meds over the weekend and is moving out of L&D and into anti-partum room for observation. Doctor says they have a few more weeks!


lindseystenlund, on modified bed rest due to low amniotic fluids, going in once a week for NST (non stress test).


Jessys_Girl, has been put on modified bed rest due to a short cervix and its contracting. She is taking steroids to increase the LO?s lungs and has to check her sugar 4 times a day due to this. LO needs to cook a little more, she asks for T&P please!


Kelcat, going to a high risk specialist due to elevated BP and her cervix has shortened 3/10 of a centimeter to 2.3cm. She may be put on bed rest because of it. UPDATE: cervix is now 3cm and she?s off bed rest CONGRATS! 2nd UPDATE: her BP is still very screwy and is going for biophysical scans every week now and will most likely go on bedrest before the end of her pregnancy. Waiting to hear back if this is just PIH and not Pre-e


StrawberryAlarmClock, on modified bed rest due to high BP


Aa+C, has found out she has a uterine fibroid and has another u/s Feb. 10th to see if it's interfering with babies growth and to determine if it's covering her cervix creating a need for a c-section. They are really hoping for a natural delivery so they?re hoping this isn't the case! Keep us updated! GL!


Mrs. R. W., hospitalized bed rest for the duration of her pregnancy due to leaking amniotic fluid. She asks for T & P please! Keep us updated hun!


my1andonly, she is currently in the hospital on bedrest 8cm dilated, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers she needs to last until December 15, 2009 to get to 24 weeks

UPDATE: my1andonly said goodbye to her beautiful son 13 hours after delivery on 12/17/09. Our hearts go out to her and her family.


CharlotteBelle, she lost her son on 11/20/09


carolinah, she found out she is a carrier for a genetic disorder that effects the liver and ability for the LO to break down protein. Good luck over the next couple of weeks/months until you find out if you?re LO has this disorder. Good Luck at the u/s this week! UPDATE: She is having a girl and the chance goes down to 25% and it?s much more manageable with a female rather than a male! CONGRATS GUYS!


Jen N El, her little boy has two heart defects that need to be watched over the next few months. Please T&P that he will not need immediate open heart surgery! Next appt is Nov 30th and amino results right around then or right after due to the holidays. Amino results came back good and all testing has been normal! They go in for another u/s today (12/16) and hoping for good news! Good luck and congrats so far guys! UPDATE:  echo u/s came back with good results and the doctor is happy the baby is measuring 1-2 weeks ahead of schedule! Next u/s is 1/13. Congrats and rest up over the holidays guys!


MNdesigner, she lost her twin boys due to pre-e our thoughts and prayers go out to her and her DH.



April 1st TheBeeCharmer - Cate - 24 TEAM PINK Ehoff33 - Liz - 24 bison08 - erica - 27 Paradise Princess - Angel - 25 TEAM PINK Tulip370 - Kelly -  AmyLRosen - Amy - 32 Hulaqt - TEAM BLUE bb80 - beth - 28 TEAM PINK Aug Bride - anita - 36 TEAM PINK Katejwolf - Kate - 25 Mrs.Hubbard - 28 TEAM PINK Katdil - Elizabeth - 35 atasich - Amy - 25 sgagnon - Stephanie - 31 BW2004 - Blaire - 23 Guppysown - Chris - 33 smileyone - Jen - 32 Jordan525 - Jordan - 25 TEAM BLUE Married2003 - Jung - 39 debbiep4-Debbie-29 Beccaballoon - becca - 24 CTMama5579 - Heather - 29 cobydoll - Coby - 22 TEAM PINK alliecat410 - Allison TEAM BLUE buckeyebride107 - Johnna - 26 TEAM BLUE April 2nd WearingRed - 25 TEAM GREEN Cindyhow - cindy Stacynikki - Stacy - 33 TEAM BLUE Annieluvsjordan - Annie - 24 Two*True - J - 29 KaylanMichelle14 - Kaylan - 21 sunshinegal0726 - Michelle - 23 TEAM BLUE Sweetnevaeh4 -  28 Mrsnchinea - Nicole - 27 RRHSMom - Sarah - 28 Mystjava - Crystal - 40 TEAM BLUE Lexis Nunez - 25  HarCoMommy - Tonya - 28 prettychyc - Linda - 34  adcffaa - Tyleena - 22 TEAM GREEN isithereyet? - Katie - 32 TEAM PINK laineybix - Elaine - 35 Jewelz416  - Julie -  Lyssapee - Alyssa - 28 TEAM PINK Thejokersqueen - Brandy - 28    hunniebunches - 32 TEAM GREEN jmat08 - ashley - 22 TEAM PINK mscars10s - Emily - 20 TEAM GREEN danandkelly - Kelly  TEAM PINK SHUTCHCRAFT - Susan - 31 TEAM PINK shannon.texas - Shannon - 30 TEAM BLUE  April 3rd sstar1308 - sarah  - 27 TEAM PINK KristaNoel2010 - Krista - 22 tsu_04 - Toni - 28/ 29 TEAM BLUE sam7272 - Sam - 29 TEAM BLUE futuremrssoto - emily- 23 TEAM PINK AshA32 - Ashley - 32 mindi_lynn - Mindi - 26 pjoann78 - Trish - 31 Mac1178 - Margaret - 30 Amorlinda - Melissa - 24 KCBaby - Ann - 32 TEAM GREEN ShariL ? Shari ? 32 Rodgersonmumma - Amanda - 22 TEAM PINK Lisa_Ont - Lisa - 33 TEAM PINK Princessn678 - Nichole - 28 TEAM PINK Lydia_w - Lydia - 25  Sylphine - Emily - 28 TEAM BLUE awolfhunt - Angela - 31  TEAM BLUE sddriggs - Stephanie - 25 TEAM BLUE ada0716 - Amber - 31 TEAM BLUE Llamakeeper - Laurie - 32 TEAM BLUE April 4th Lumbride - Katie - 33 adri823 - Adrienne - 28 TEAM BLUE 4thofJulyWedding - 4OJW - 27 AML84 -  *MrsChad* - 28 TEAM PINK jennasita - Jennifer - 35 ahuddleston - Angela Speaker - 23 chris27 - Christy - 33 TEAM BLUE Kuuipo1006 - Jessica - 25 TEAM PINK KaitlynDC6 - Lisa - 28 Lindseystenlund - Lindsey - 29 TEAM BLUE Rbentley - 32 Cbandjp - Jessica TEAM BLUE Flowr4246 - Jaime Lee - 28 TEAM GREEN cajungirl0717 - Ada - 25 TEAM PINK irishrose146 - Jennifer - 26  yellow78 - tiffany TEAM PINK luv2dnce81 - Elizabeth - 28 TEAM BLUE delaware04 - Amanda - 22 TEAM PINK April 5th Julie1972 - Julie - 37 parkie13 - Hellen - 30 Lisvenn - Lisa - 32 jess545 - Jessica - 25 felecia_hope - Lauren - 32 TEAM PINK LNYOST - Lauren - 28 TEAM BLUE Gsusfsh - Jessica - 26 mfield - Michelle - 28 Annierenz - annie - 30 TEAM BLUE MsMonica's1st - Monica - 33 TEAM PINK mgoldstein3 - Megan - 27 TEAM PINK APallitto - Angelina xoxbabybubbaxox - Kayla - 17  Mrslisvenn - TEAM GREEN Llsoule - Laura - 29 jzc0106 - Jolie - 35 ChristalT - Christal - 29 TEAM PINK NinjaNic - Nicole - 27 TWINS TEAM PINK Aa+C - Christi  TEAM PINK Danto TEAM PINK Rasz39 -  Rae - TEAM PINK melbry15 - Melissa - 32 TEAM PINK April 6th Jennicap - Jen - 32 TEAM GREEN rachierae - Rachel - 25 Chongqingstar - 29 taralynn819 - Tara - 29 Spokorny - Stephanie - 31 O'C - Colleen - 27 hughesdegitz- Megan - 24  Taagent - Sarah - 31 kessa75 - Jessica - 33 Hadams2009 - Heather - 26 TEAM BLUE my1andonly - erin - 24 kmo91606 - Katie - 30 Aliki - Clare - 29 TEAM PINK Halfpintlbk - Laura - 26 cobabymama - Chels - 21 Halfpintlbk - Laura - 26 Megannicolewheeler - Megan - 25 TEAM PINK BarbieAP - Barbara - 28 TEAM BLUE LTG - Lynn - 27 TEAM PINK wonderbird - Sarah - 30 TEAM GREEN April 7th Jeccap - Jessica - 28 Gcavvv - Genna - 27 TEAM BLUE JenChris05 - Jen - 30  cherrys - Emily - 29 TEAM BLUE niene0319 - Geniene - 25 JellymanKelly - 29 EileenBerg - Eileen - 29  TEAM GREEN Lovinfall - Kanella - 32 TEAM BLUE Beyondthesea16 - Heather - 28 Toriwc - Leslie - 31 Ericnerica - Erica - 20 FutureMrsLemon - 25 ChelseyParker - Chelsey - 21 jnlalfonso- Janelle- 24 Katymichelle - Katy - 25 TEAM GREEN gypsywitch - Jessica TEAM PINK kendrabailey - Kendra - 27 grule80 - Gayle - 28 Cakemom10 - Sabrina - 30 TEAM BLUE bergs720 - Lisa - 31 TEAM PINK Hoshicat - Ash - 23 tkdtara84 - Tara - 25 CraftyPSUwife - Laura ? 26 TEAM BLUE DanieT. - Danielle ? 20 RecentlySpooned - Monica - 26 PhillyFishie - Kim - 29 TEAM PINK xtencornfield - Kristen - 30 TEAM BLUE kmgourley - 22  LUVOURBABY - DENISE - 30 Cyndi79 - Cyndi - 30  TEAM PINK mdelamater -  Megan - 24 TEAM BLUE missginag - Gina - 28 TEAM PINK Jsolivan - Jennifer - 26 TEAM BLUE April 8th melissamaloo - Melissa - 29 TEAM PINK nln883 - Natalie - 26 <TD class=xl25 st


Re: *~* April Due Drops Check In *~* Monday

  • QOTD:   Who do you plan to have in the delivery room with you?

    Me and H and possibly my mother.

  • My husband and my doula will be in the room with me along with my midwife and her back up. 
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  • I have to have a c-section so it will be me and DH only...I would have had it just us even if didn't have to have a c-section though.
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  • well, I don't know how much longer I will be in the April due drops category since my Ob is considering inducing me in mid march...about 3 wks early. (since I am high risk) I don't care for all of the interventions involved but I am considering it.

    When I go to the hospital I will have my comfy pj's that u can't tell are pj's, my exercise ball, ipod, snacks, comfy socks, peppermint & lavender essential oils, skincare products, laptop, a pillow, and a few lucky crystals. i plan on bringing whatever to be comfortable...even my own pads since the hospital rips us off for their supplies. 

  • ooops...i misread the question- it's WHO am I bringing to L&D, not all the misc. crap in my bag lol  DH and I. My parents will come when it's time. I have a friend who is a doula that I will keep in contact with.

    plz excuse my pregnancy brain- fasting this Am for GD test and starving!!


  • I plan on having my husband and maybe my mom and sister, but only when I'm not pushing! 

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  • Wow, I can't believe I've gone this long without checking in.

    Name: Andie

    Age: 27

    EDD: April 5th

    Now off to work!

  • QOTD:  Most likely it will be just DH and I in the room, but I have been considering asking one more person to be there.  Problem is, I would want one of my best friends in the room, but I don't want to offend my mom or my sister but not allowing them.  I just know I would want to kill my sister... my mom told me she doesn't want to see me in pain, and I don't know that I want her around anyway.  I love my mom, but...
  • My husband and DD will be there, my BIL will also be in the delivery room to supervise DD in case she gets bored. No snarky comments its my delivery and I can have who I want.
  • QOTD:   Who do you plan to have in the delivery room with you?

    Not sure on this one yet. DH is deployed and most likely will be gone for the birth. I really don't have anyone that I want in there but him. As you can tell, I'm still sulking, but as April gets closer I'm sure I'll want someone in there for support. I have a huge family (6 brothers, 2 sisters all of whom are married with kids) and with that comes drama if I pick one person and not the other. What I don't want is an entire army in there! Oh the fun of deciding! I'll probably end up hiring a doula but have interviewed 5 and haven't liked their views on medications.

    Oh is it Monday already? But January's history so that's good!  

    TTC since 6/2003. m/c 9/14/03 8 weeks, 5 chemical pregnancies, mmc 6/04 12 weeks, Michael born sleeping 5/25/05 at 22weeks always our angel, fought ovarian cancer and won, m/c 4/06 5.2 weeks and 7/07 6.6 weeks,Our Miracle baby girl born 4/8/10,mc 12/18/11 at 5.3 weeks, BFP 10/26/12 dating u/s on 11/8/12 showing a strong heartbeat!EDD July 4,2013. RCS on 6/27. Baby boy in NICU for 8 long and scary days before he was able to come home. We are now a happy family of 4

    . imageimage

  • Good Morning. I personally just want my husband. he calls it "his territory". My mom has been a little pushy about coming in- which only makes me not want her there. I have said that- until i start to push my Mom and MIL can take turns coming in- if hospital lets them share the 2nd "bracelet" if not, then just my DH.

    I feel like this is a really personal and special moment for me and my DH. I just want to be with him.

    Hope all is well with everyone!


    Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • QOTD:   Who do you plan to have in the delivery room with you?

    My DH and a girlfriend in case he needs to tag out for a bit. But that's the only reason we have someone else. (He doesn't do well with me in pain, so having the ability for him to take breaks is nice.)

    Rae Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My hubs and my mama only :)
  • DH and an interpreter for us since we r deaf.. 
  • We are just planning on it being DH and myself.  That is it.  We both do not want his mother and he said he may feel more comfortable with my mom there but just wants it to be the two of us.
  • Morning Due Drops!

    QOTD: I'm thinking it will just be my SO. I'm sure our Moms will be in and out of the room but I don't think I want either of them there for the actual birth. I'd like to keep it personal between he and I. Our special moment as parents.

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  • Nate, me, and the million medical staff. I am not comfortable with anyone else in our families being in that room and they understand.
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  • It'll be just me and DH.  We were considering calling my mom on the way to the hospital, because we know she'd respect our wishes to be the only ones there.  Now however, I think we want to just spend some quality bonding time with our little girl once she gets here, get me cleaned up, and then call people.  I'm not a fan of a ton of people coming to the hospital, so I think this is our best option.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Just me and DH!
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  • QOTD:   Who do you plan to have in the delivery room with you?

    DH. And if DH happens to not be here due to TDY, my good frnd.

  • QOTD:   Who do you plan to have in the delivery room with you?

    Just DH. I am not sure if i want family to visit me during the labor part, but def during the actually delirvery, it will only be DH and me. I will prob be my mom when i am in labor and tellher to hold off coming till i am like 8cm and then she and whoever wants can come and wait in the waiting room till thebaby is here.

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  • Good morning ladies, and happy Monday!

    QOTD:   Who do you plan to have in the delivery room with you?

    I plan on having DH, my mother if she makes it, and MIL. DD can be in there if she wants,  my mother and MILunderstand that if she wants to be in there, they are out!

    I cannot believe the day is only about 10 weeks away......iam getting excited, and nervous at the same time! Oh and stressed also....lol.


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  • Wow, Monday already. . . the weekends seem to go so fast!!

    QOTD:  I think it will be DH and my mom.  That is who was with me when DS was born and it worked well.  My MIL wanted to be in, and was hinting at it HUGE last time, but luckily our hospital says only 2 people can be in and since I was the one delivering I got to pick. There is something so wrong about my MIL seeing my va-jay-jay!! hahaha

  • QOTD:  I plan on having the same people as last time, it worked out great!  My mom, to help with me...she did great.  DH- once baby born, he forgets all about me...lol.  My dad, he is the camera man - did a great job at taking pictures last time, and got so many great momments.  (He did have to sit in the corner until it was time...I didn't want him anywhere near me until baby born, he felt the same way..didn't want to see to much)

    My DD will be in the lobby with my grandparents watching her.  DH parents live out of town so they usually dont come until after everything is over.

  • I'm not really sure who'll be there, I would be alright with both of our mothers being in and out but when it comes down to the pushing and delivery I want everybody out!! I feel like that's a private moment for DH and I, when we finally get to meet the little person we made! I'd like to keep her just ours for a little while at least!

    We're getting so close!!!! 

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  • Its going to be just me and DH and our midwife (well probably a nurse or two). I want as little stress and little talking as possible!
  • Well I haven't checked in for quite some time but we've found out that we are having another baby girl :)

    Also I have GD and my OB has said she won't let me go beyond April 9th so there is a chance I will end up with a March baby.

    QOTW: DH and my Mom will be in the delivery room with me.  My mom was here for DD's birth and really pushed me to have the labour I wanted.  DH is quiet and would have done whatever I asked LOL.  That is assuming she gets here in time (lives 5 hours away).

  • Well up until I deliver it will probably be my dh, my best friend and my mom because my dh will have to go out for a break I'm sure.  But once I'm actually feet in the air pushing it will only be my dh and best friend (she will be taking pictures at my head no gross shots).
  • Just my hubby. G-d willing he won't pass out.
  • DH, and my mom....still debating on his mom.
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  • imageMrslisvenn:
    DH and an interpreter for us since we r deaf.. 

    Same here!!!  My partner's not deaf, but she can't interpret everything that is happening so I will (might) need an interpreter. We've already requested an interpreter for the child birthing classes and the breastfeeding class, so hopefully the hospital will understand the importance of having one there for us!  

    As for the QOTD: My partner and myself! If I need an interpreter, I will demand one!  

  • just me and DH!!!!!

  • Just DH <3
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  •  Hi!  My due date is listed as April 15, but April 22 is what my doctor seems to think.

    Well, last week was annoying - on Mon. I took the 1 hr. GD test, found out I failed on Wed. and took the 3 hr. test on Friday. Needless to say if I don't see another needle again for the next 3 months I will be happy!!!   Now I'm anxiously awaiting the results. I know it won't be the end of the world if I have GD; I just don't want to worry about it!!

    Also, DH and I start childbirth classes tomorrow! Crazy!!  

    QOTD:  I plan to only have DH and the midwife in the delivery room.

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  • Most definitely DH. Beyond that, I wouldn't necessarily mind my mom being there, but she's already told me that she wants that to be DH & my time. I would be OK with other family after L&D.
  • QOTD: Since I'm having a C-section, it will just be DH.

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