3rd Trimester

Interesting result from GBS+ antibiotics

Well, I had my little guy last Monday. I will post a birth story shortly, but wanted to share this part, since I wasn't expecting it. I was GBS+, so no problem, I will just get an IV of antibiotics at the hospital, right? Well, sort of...

The made me wait 4 hours from the start of the antibiotics till they would break my water (unless it went on its own), to give the meds time to get into my system.

The worst part was, that the IV of the drugs hurt like HECK!!! I could feel it burning in my hand and arm from the point it went in, it literally felt like the skin was melting off my arm. It was more excruciating than the contractions. I was not expecting that, and even the nurse was surprised at my reaction. She said it might sting a little, but nothing like I expereinced!

I don't want to scare anyone, just let you know, since I had no idea that this could happen

Re: Interesting result from GBS+ antibiotics

  • What was the name of the antibiotic they gave you?  Just curious...
  • Oops- I clicked on the wrong board but I can actually say something about this post :) I'm so sorry that happened to you- I was forced to get antibiotics as my water broke at 34w, before my GBS test. I had the exact experience you described with the penicillin that was originally ordered. I told them that under no circumstances were they to continue that and they switched me to ampicillin- another antib that works just as well. I highly suggest everyone ask for that instead if they have pain. I also highly highly suggest taking some sort of probiotic after you have a course of those antibs. Both DD and I got thrush from the destruction that IV antibs wreck on your GI system. 
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  • I wonder if they had the flow on too high. This happened to me once when I was being injected with something to look for kidney stones. It burned so bad I was crying because of that pain instead of the kidney stone pain. The nurse said that it shouldn't be hurting, basically called me crazy.

    I talked to a rad. tech. guy I was friends with, he said that some drugs, even if they are gentle, can give you a chemical burn inside of your veins. Ever since then, ANY drug that I've gotten in that vein (morphine and anesthesia) have burned like a motha... but if I have the IV in the other arm, no pain!  

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  • One of my friends just had her baby 3 weeks ago and she told me the exact same reaction happened with her and the Penicillin, she said she was crying it was burning/hurting so bad. Sorry you had to deal with that too sounds horrible!
  • I bet you they didn't have the IV in correctly.  Sorry you had a rought time of it.
  • Yup.  I was GBS+ with my DD and I thought that the IV antibiotics hurt worse than the contractions, pushing, episiotomy and stiches.  I was definitely not expecting the IV to be that painful.

    I am dreading having to have them again if I am GBS+ again.

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  • To follow up...I don't know what kind of antibiotics they used, but the nurse did turn the flow down and try to dilute it with the regular fluid drip, and that seemed to help the pain.  She also said that the first bag of the stuff is worse, since it is more concentrated. When that bag ran out they hook up another one that is half-strength of the first one. Also, the IV was definitely correctly situated, so that wasn't the issue either. Hope I never have to do that again!
  • Aww, I'm sorry that you had to go throw that, that sucks. I wonder why it hurt so bad though, maybe you were allergic to it? What did they give you? You wouldn't think that it would be normal for it to hurt that bad.
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