3rd Trimester

measuring bigger

I am 29 weeks. I went to my ob appt and she said I am measuring at 35 weeks!  I do not have gestational diabetes, as i passed the glucose test.  Anyone else have this issue?  Its my first baby and the doctor said "you might just have a huge baby" 

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Re: measuring bigger

  • Belly measurements are far from accurate and should be taken with a grain of salt
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  • Fundal height isnt the best indicator...I was measuring 6 weeks ahead at one point so they sent me in for a growth u/s and showed that LO was maybe 1 week ahead and was just spread out when they were taking measurements...i wouldnt stress until they exhaust all of the tests...
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  • PP is right, it is only an estimate. It can be from a number of factors: baby size, baby position, mom's body size (if your hips are narrow you can carry more in front and make the measurement bigger). Don't worry too much.

    I have measured big for over 2 months now, part of it is that I am carrying out in front and part is that she is a bigger baby (not huge, just on the higher range of normal) but she's healthy and that's what matters.

    If your dr is still concerned about your size at your next appt they can always order an US for growth to see how big baby really is, it's more accurate than fundal height measurement.

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  • At 26 weeks I was measuring 32 weeks. I had a growth u/s done and all was well. My dr. said it just happens sometimes.
  • I measured ahead with my son, and he was "big" born at 37 weeks he was 7 lbs 6 oz.....now this second one is also measuring about 5weeks ahead, I carry differently and the babies are a bit big..at 36 weeks the baby they are guessing by ultra sound being 7lbs..which is in the88th percentile...so i wouldn't worry, all our bodies are different!
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