I had back labor with my dd @ 36 weeks. If felt like bad menstral cramps in my lower back and up the sides. Its been 3 years so I don't re-call all of it. It was very intense. hope that helps some.
Thanks for the response. I've had the period like cramps in front for about a week now (just drink water is what doc said). Woke up this morning and it's like my mid-lower back and hips have just locked up. Sharp, sharp, sharp pains, consistent. I've tried stretching, tylenol, hot bath, and a heating pad. It's still there . This sucks. How long did you have it for before you went into active labor?
I didn't get back labor until I was actually in labor. It was a constant intense back pain that didn't go away and it was so bad I couldn't feel the regular contractions. It sucked. I thought you couldn't really get back labor until you are in labor...but I could be wrong. It was an unbearable pain....NOTHING like menstrual cramps.
Re: ? about back labor.
Yikes! I really hope I don't get this.
I had it with DD, and it was awful. So much so that I never felt the 'ring of fire' when she crowned.
It didn't end during active labor. It ended when she was born. It was truly awful.