First and foremost, I would like to apologize to those I offended with my idiocy towards single teenaged no way was I trying to demean the single parent, I was raised by one...My comments obviously offended some and for that I am very sorry, I deserved every bit of what I got, and to clear this up I didnt DD, dont know how and I never have before, and I have offended some in the past and dealt with the backlashing I deserved...please understand that my reason behind my comments were to offend my darling sister who finds being pregnant at 15 a game...I should have thought of the others i would have was a very douche bag thing to do and Im very very sorry...
Re: I DO owe an apology...
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
Apology deserves a
But, it sounds like you have some growing up to do if you thought coming on the bump and poking fun at single teen moms would offend your sister.