I was sitting on the couch with one of the kids I care for (age 5) and she noticed my belly started "jumping" and asked to see my belly. I pulled up the shirt to show my beautiful stretch mark covered belly and she giggled with excitement everytime she saw it "jump". This caused the other three kids I care for (a 5 year old boy and 2 three year old boys) to come see what all the fuss was about. The one girl and the two 3 yer old boys were looking at my belly and giggling with excitement while the 5 year old boy was looking at my face and kept asking me if it was moving. I said "Just look at my belly, you'll be able to see it I wont have to tell you when it moves" he said "But I have to look at you because you're smiling and I can't figure out why" so I said "I'm smiling because my baby is moving and it makes me happy and it makes your brothers and sister happy too and seeing them happy makes me happy" and to that he says "OH ok. So life is good and you're happy right?" I said "yes..." and he says "So then you'll probably give me a cookie right?" ...... I don't think I've ever seen a kid go through so much just for a cookie... lol
Re: Lol this made my day...