Hey Ladies!
I've been a stalker of the board for a while. I've been wanting to ask this for a while at the risk of being flamed, which is fine, i know everyone has their own opinions.
Has anyone decided to opt for a c-section on their own, and not for medical reason? We have an awful lot of family traveling around the time the baby is due. There is literally one week that everyone will be in town. Its the family's first grandchild on both my side and my husbands side, first great grandchild, etc. I would hate for someone to not be here. I realize it's not a huge deal if they aren't there, but of course I would like no one to feel as though they've missed out. My husband and I are very "new age" type of people I guess you should say so we both kind of feel as though hey why not do a c-section. I've had some optional plastic surgery before, so maybe its just that mentally i would feel more prepared and relaxed about it then regular vaginal birth. My family has a history of LARGE babies...like 12 pounders haha. Theres just a few reasons that in general I think I personally would feel more comfortable about a c-section. Of course we realize there are risks involved. But I kind of feel like their are risks either way.
oh and we are not planning on having another child naturally. the plan has always been to have one child and to adopt the second. We wanted to go through the experience of a pregnancy but agree that we also know how many children out there need homes and its always been something we've both wanted to do. (I know lots of the doctors have said not to opt for the c-section b/c of other pregnancies to follow).
anyways...just seeing if anyone else decided to opt for a c-section and if so...how did you reach the conclusion it is definitely for you? TIA
Re: optional c-section anyone?
I have a midwife, so c-sections are not optional, only if its medically necessary.
That being said, no I would not choose to do it. I do not see the point in having major abdominal surgery if I can safely deliver vaginally.
However, if its a decision that you, your DH, and your DR are all comfortable with, I don't see what the issue is. My sister has always said she would opt to do it around her work schedule... to each their own!?
I don't think you understand what "new age" means.
You seem to have a wide variety of excuses for choosing an elective c-section (timing, comfort with elective surgeries, big babies, yada yada yada). Why are you seeking validation here? If you're so "new age" (or whatever you think that phrase means) and liberated, why not just do it?
Mucho likes purple nails and purple cupcakes
This. I am pretty much a "to each his own" kinda gal, so no problems there, but I am wondering why you're seeking validation on this issue.
No, I wouldn't choose to have an optional c-section. I don't think it's healthy to put your body through surgery when there's no medical reason for it. The "convenience" of having all your family there is not a good reason to pull a child out of the womb earlier than necessary. But like you said, it's just my opinion.
Also, I don't think a lot of "new age" people would have an elective c-section. Do you understand what that phrase means?
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)
We also decided to opt for a c-section for a number of reasons. One of which is actually medical on my part. I have a fracture up my spine from a previous injury and was told that intense back labor could potentially crack fully up. This is a problem given that my family has a history of tremendous back labor and as it turns out LO is sitting far back.
My doctor is very much pro natural everything and has told me that there will be no option for a scheduled c-section...this worries me. I understand her precautions and she would like me to go into labor and go from there. Im not going to lie I am slightly frustrated and worried about this. Im sure it will be fine but the fact that she is so anti c section worries me when it comes down me actually going into labor. I guess I dont have a choice though...hopefully when that time comes and my water breaks and I head to the hospital they will grant my wishes of having a c section.
There is not just the medical reasoning for wanting a c section and the way I look at it...it is your body and your baby and your choice. I fully appreciate and value the opinions and advice of medical council and will ultimately do what is best for my baby when the time comes so I say if you decide a c section is the best for you and they are willing to schedule a c section then go for it as long as there is no real foreseeable problems (im aware there are benefits and potential problems with either side
Just saying )
I think whatever you and your OB decide between the two of you is fine, although this topic is usually flamed to all hell on here.
The two biggest obstacles you would face would be whether your OB is willing to do an elective c section in the first place, and whether your insurance would cover it (unless your OB can find some reason to code the c section medically, without committing insurance fraud, of course.)
It also depends on how far along you are that week. It isn't really recommended to do any elective delivery, induction or section, before 39 weeks.
If your OB is open to it, definitely go over all the risks and benefits of both.
I'm having a c section since my babies are both breech. The main thing that scared me about a vaginal delivery was fetal distress and potential brain injury. The things that scare me about c section are me puking through the entire thing and the rest of the day of surgery (since I tend to have a lot of nausea/vomiting with surgery), me bleeding out, amniotic fluid embolism, and the babies not getting the fluid squeezed from their lungs on their way out, like in a vaginal birth.
thanks for the reply everyone! Believe it or not the doctors will do an optional c-section now. And actually, we had to switch doctors half way through the pregnancy and both practices were okay with it. They just said that it was our choice but here are the things to take into account.
I can see where some may think I'm looking for validation. I didn't mean it to come across that way. In the end its our decision and if we want to do it we will no matter what others say/think. We really are the first couple to have a baby out of all of our friends so I think I was just looking to hear what others reasons were both ways so that I can take all thoughts into consideration. I think I'm so gung ho' about it that I'm afraid I'm not taking all thoughts into account. So I thought I would bring it up on the board to read responses and say "hmmm I never thought of it that way" or..."hey, thats a good point!". I know its not as simple of a decision as what would you like for lunch today so I want to put a lot of thought into it before making the definite decision one way or the other.
thanks again
The planning thing may not work out for you anyways.
I have a c-section scheduled (for a medical reason) and I've actually been to L&D 2 times in the last 2 weeks. LO may not make it until my scheduled date.
I have heard that insurance companies aren't paying for elective c-sections like they used to...which could be a big problem.
This exactly ... my doc would NEVER go for that ... so it's not even a consideration ... that being said, it never would be a consideration for me personally unless there was a medical reason ... I don't really understand the point ... I live here alone ... my husband accepted a new position in August in another state and has been commuting back and forth since ... I elected to stay where I am because of my contract... but once that ends in May, the baby and I will move.
The point is that I am nervous that my husband will not make it for the birth despite the fact that doctors, etc. say that he will have plenty of time to jump on a flight (My mother is coming to stay with me 2 weeks before my due date) but that's not even a reason for me to go through such a procedure ...
I agree with the others ... to each their own and surely you don't need any validation from anyone here ... good luck with your decision making
My OB might give me the option of a c-section between 39 and 40 weeks if my baby is still measuring in the 95th percentile in terms of weight and I'm showing no signs that labor is on its way. However, as I understand their rationale, it seems they like to give the option on large babies (or babies they think are large) because the recovery can be similar in intensity to that of a c-section.
I don't know if I buy it and am leaning against it unless they start coming out with 13 lb. estimates. But, there is no way they would give someone an elective c-section for convenience of their family and simply a history of big babies.
You have no clue when that baby is done cooking. To take it out early for no medical reason is running the risk that something isn't fully developed.
At the end of the day, if I opt for a c-section on their advice (which at this point simply a big baby isn't enough for me) I don't know if I will ever reach the conclusion beforehand that it is definitely right for me.
How far along are you? You must be past 39 weeks or your doctors have some crazy liability insurance policy. Most malpractice insurance policies won't let doctors do elective c-sections before week 39.
so, wait. you mean to tell me that you would like to intentionally get your abdominal muscles cut in half in order to accommodate your family's travel schedule? I have heard of people pleasers before, but this goes a little far. Optional C-sections are not often covered by insurance and come with them quite a bit of recovery time. They are not offered by the medical profession so you can plan a natural event that happens in millions of womens' (and family's) lives each year.
I just want to say that after my first labor with my son, I totally wanted an optional C-section. Really, the labor was NUTS and super hard for me, I did not use drugs. So i think you could use the argument "you mean your choosing to use elective drugs like an epidural, your body naturally goes into labor and has a baby and your choosing to use drugs?" very similar argument and there are risks with choosing to use an epidural.
I would not judge you, nor think its unreasonable to have an elective c-section.
There is a huge difference between pain meds for a medical procedure vs elective surgery.
Pain management (drugs) and an elective c-section (surgery) are not comparable. They are two entirely different things.
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)
Im not sure either...but maybe she means "new age" as in there a lot more mothers opting for scheduled c sections these days then there were in the past. I actually watched a news story on the growing "trend" of scheduling birth...not sure if thats what she means though?
Your story sounds very similar to mine. My husband took a job in Dallas in October, but he has not been commuting back and forth. I saw him at Christmas and mid-January, but I won't see him again until I go in to labor.
Although I am sorry for your situation, it is nice to hear that I am not alone! Good luck to you and your family.
meh, I don't have a problem with an elective section.
This country provides for choice in reproductive rights ranging from birth control to abortion, so I don't see why the choice to have a c-section is much different. I generally keep my judgments out of other people's uteruses.
Having had a (medically necessary due to high risk) section myself, I know it's not a trivial matter. However, I am willing to bet that my section recovery was no worse than the women with 3rd and 4th degree tearing.
::puts on flame retardant suit::
My doctor would never go for it. My baby has been breech the whole time and my doctor even said that if we schedule a c/s they will do an u/s right before surgery and if baby has turned then they won't do the c/s. I have had a c/s type surgery before when I had fibroids removed last March and during my recovery I just kept thinking I don't know how women do this AND take care of a newborn. It was difficult just trying to care for myself that first week or so after surgery.
With that being said, to each their own. If your doctor will go for and it and you feel that's the way you want to deliver then go for it.
feeling the need to bring some clarity to the original poster around new age:
at a very basic level, new age is a spiritual practice based on metaphysics and the rejection of traditional religion. Plastic surgery, elective c-sections and basing major decisions around the schedules of others are NOT new age, more the anti-thesis of new age if you will.
on the topic of elective c-section: have you told your doc the exact same reasons you have mentioned here as to why you want to opt for this? If so and he/she/they have still agreed to you having an elective c-section, I would be questioning that doc's practice/morals and ethics in a major way. I do think you have to do what is rigth for you and baby for you. We have those privialges living in n. amreica, but I do feel that c-sections are for emergencies only, and it's a blessed thing we do have them for those emergencies.
GL with your decision making.
You make a very good point... no flaming from me!
cutting them is old school They like to part them like a curtain now.
Here's the thing...I think if you want to have a c-section, knock yourself out. I've had a lot of elective surgeries meaning it wasn't life or death, but I had the surgery for medical reasons and I didn't like the alternative of NOT having the surgery. For example, I had cryptic tonsils. My ENT told me it's something I can live with but the only cure it is to have your tonsils taken out. Sure, it was elective, but my insurance thought it was necessary enough to pay for it.
If you want to have a c-section for no other reason except for the fact that's what you want (meaning there's no medical reason) then that's fine. I see a true elective c-section like plastic surgery...you should be able to choose if you want one but don't expect your insurance to cover ANY of it.
Hey, if you have the money or your insurance will cover it.... go for it. I could care less how the hell a baby comes into the world as long as it's healthy and well taken care of after. I don't find it selfish, it's your body. Honestly I have though long and hard about this myself, but have chosen to have the baby vaginally unless Its necessary. I just need my muscles (legs and stomache) sor when I go back to work, and I know that If I have section I'll be more sore. good luck.
I had a vaginal birth for my older daughter, and I had an emergency c-secion this time around. No way in a million years would I elect to have an unnecessary c-section! It is major abdominal surgery. Your abdominal muscles are cut apart! Recovery from the c-section was extremely painful for me. Now, 8 months later, I STILL have very little sensation around my incision. If I get pregnant again, I will do everything in my power to have a VBAC - that is how horrible the experience was for me.
C-sections do have their place - don't get me wrong. If I didn't have one this time around my daughter would not be here today (I had prolapsed cord and the Dr. got her out 3 minutes later - record time!)
Please, don't have major abdominal surgery just to accommodate travel schedules. I have family all over the place too, and it was not a big deal for me that some couldn't be there for the birth. They saw the kids later on, outside the hospital.