My pregnancy with DD#1 was quite different than this one...and I think I had a small leak for a while and unintentionally labored mostly at home...labor was less than 5 hours...
Anyway...this pregnancy has been going so smooth so far *knock on wood*...and I was curious...
When your water breaks, I know I would call my doctor/hospital to let them know, but do I immediately get ready and go to the hospital, even if I'm not having lots of contractions.....Or do I wait for the contractions to get close together before going?
Generally, when the water breaks, do the contractions start right away?
I suppose these are good questions I will be asking my Dr at my 36 week appointment, but thought I'd ask here first.
Re: When your water breaks...
I'd talk to your doc.
You have 24 hours from the time your water breaks. You do not have to go immediately to the hospital unless there is something abnormal looking to your water such as brownish tinge or a gush of blood. If you go to the hospital immediately your chances of getting pitocin are VERY high.
I wouldn't run red lights to get there, but since it's your second I would be mindful of how fast the contractions come on after your water breaks.
When mine broke with my first, we both showered and gathered things up and it wasn't a moment too soon--not because I was ready to push but because the contractions got so intense I couldn't imagine being in the car much later than I was.