3rd Trimester

Who Else is Overdue?

This is insane! Come on baby, COME OUT!! You were supposed to be born in January and now it's almost February!

Come commiserate with me! I'm getting so anxious.

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Re: Who Else is Overdue?

  • Talk about overdue - I am thankfully going to be induced tomorrow night if this LO doesn't come today (fingers crossed).
  • I'm with you girls and I'm losing it!  I have absolutely no patience for anyone or anything anymore!  If one more person sends me a text or calls and gives me advice on what worked for them to get labor moving, I'm going to poke my eyes out with some blunt objects!
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  • I'm right here with you. I'm ready to cut off communication with the ourside world completely because I am going to strangle the next person that asks me if anything is happening yet. 
  • I am. And starting to accept that I'm not going to have this child in January :(
  • Me. Super depressed about it too. I just want LO to come out already!
  • me Sad  and let me tell ya i'm going crazy! but to make myself feel just a tad better.....i'm sending SO out to krispy kreme to get me a dozen donuts!!! hehehe
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