I know this is TOTALLY taboo to ask people, but I feel like so many bumpies are buying $600 strollers and $100 diaper bags. I'm wondering if I'm the brokest joke on this board or if there's some company out there for my misery??
ETA: I'm in NO way saying that I have a problem with people buying higher end products. In fact, I'm jealous
Re: NBR Clicky Poll: Very rude question to ask you...
I love that you had the guts to ask.
Very good point. Cost of living is a huge factor!
An idiot with a very cute diaper bag I'd assume!!
We all have to splurge on something sometimes to feel human!!!
At least you're comfortable with your idiocy.
We were shocked to learn we made $70K last year. I have NO idea where the money went. We need to spend smarter...
I think there are a lot more things that factor into this. We had been saving to buy things for LO that we knew we wanted. We also have been saving, because we knew that we would both be taking pay deductions due to being on leave when the baby comes. A co-worker who I assume makes more than (due to title alone) me is more scared of the pay decrease then I am, but we had a planned pg and she had a suprise one.
We are not buying a $600 stroller or anything, but his nursery was pretty darn expensive. We also had lots of help from family buying things that we needed. This helped us to use the money we saved to buy other things we wanted.
Also love that you had the guts to ask. And given the percentage over 100K, I'd even be interested in more detail over that amount.
Where you live really impacts buying power.
On the expensive baby items, I feel like lots of people have one (or two or three) items they wanted to splurge on. We bought a crib that was what people would consider pretty expensive. But, on most everything else I felt like we went pretty middle of the road. Okay, I bought a diaper bag for $90, but I had a gift card!!
A- 09/2006 I- 04/2010 N- 04/2012 M & G- 01/2014
Good point. No one is going to AW their average bouncy seat. LOL You guys also make a good point about tapping into savings for these purchases. DH and I just got married and are remodeling a foreclosed house (that the previous owners let go to h***), so our savings is down to $16.34. LOL...thus, all of our baby purchases come straight out of the paycheck. Ugh.
Just because someone has an expensive stroller and/or diaper bag, doesn't mean they have necessarily blown a lot of money on their baby.
We have a bugaboo frog that was bought for us (and had my ILs not bought it we would have bought it.) I didn't buy any other stroller, but did accept a hand-me-down jogging stroller. Our changing table, crib, glider, PnP and moses basket were all hand-me-downs. I bought a new crib mattress. We got a dresser for the nursery for $50 on CL, and now DD is sleeping in a toddler bed that was $35 on CL. All of our crib bedding was bought on clearance sale w/ 20% off coupons @ BRU and it's all gender neutral so if baby #2 is a boy it's fine.
I cloth diaper & EBF, so I totally by-pass the baby aisle in the supermarket, so while I might have an expensive stroller & diaper bag (Kate Spade, bought it @ the outlet w/ a coupon) when it comes to the big picture I think I am pretty frugal.
This definitely ... combined, 100 isn't too far off I don't think for many. But I could be wrong ... I agree with others ... we definitely knew what we wanted and had been saving for months in order to purchase those specific items. Yes we purchased the UPPAbaby vista ourselves but we purchased it on sale because we opted for the 2009 edition ($499 instead of 679 - 699). Again, we saved for it ... I did purchase a petunia pickle bottom boxy backpack but again, I knew I wanted it and set the money aside for it. This is what I usually do ... when I see some expensive purse or something that I want, I save for months in order to get it ... I cut down on eating out, etc.
We also had help from grandparents ...my parents purchased all of the baby's furniture (dresser, crib, mattress, glider, chest of drawers) ... the furniture we ended up with was pretty expensive but I liked it and my parents were more than happy to splurge on their first grandchild. So, again, help there ... as for other stuff, we received lots of gift cards and checks from friends and family and the other stuff, we purchased on our own but again, we have been setting aside money for those items.
I'll also add that we're cloth diapering (start up is expensive but in the long run, less expensive than disposables) and I actually love shopping for second hand clothing for our baby. Also, I pretty much refuse to purchase any clothing that isn't on clearance ... I figure, "she'll wear it for a few weeks ... why spend some crazy amount of money?"
AW: I got a second-hand travel system at a consignment sale and my mom is making my diaper bag. You're right - that just doesn't have the same ring to it as if it was all brand new, top-of-the-line.
My DH and I don't make a ton of money, but we're very frugal with what we have. We've gotten some help from friends and family on certain items, and have been very careful about our other baby purchases.
I spent almost $500 on a diaper bag; we have a $400 stroller, but we got the dresser from IKEA, and I bought some of my maternity clothes at a garage sale. I like eating at fancy restaurants, but Taco Bell is one of my fave places too.
I think everyone has to evaluate what is important to them! And if you are not going into debt enjoying nice things, I don't see a problem. Some people have $1M in the bank, and some people buy depreciating assets...like diaper bags. :P
I thought about my diaper bag purchase for a couple months before doing it; I justified it knowing that it's going to be my purse for a long time.
Same here.
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)
It all depends on where you live in Southern CA making 100k is not that much at all!
I'm on the lower end of this poll, but I feel like I have done a really good job budgeting my money. I am also single so my income is the only income, but I've managed to actually save up more now than when I was with exH becuase he was not good at budgeting.
And it is true about people more likely to post if they got something real nice. I just got my travel system this week but it is not a real fancy one, so even though I am excited to have it I didn't come on here and post about it.
ditto. it's easier to live in other parts of the country on what dh makes than it does to live here in miami on his salary. anywhere else and we'd be extremely comfortable. here, we're counting pennies.
This is how we are too. Our family & shower guests were also very generous for LO. DH & I both have pretty good jobs but we are very careful with money so we can buy something nice/extravagant once in a while. I didn't splurge on anything outrageous for this baby, but I definitely was able to get all that I wanted, safe products, quality products, etc. at the mid-price range I was hoping for.