Can you explain what you meant here? I thought this was really offensive and mentioned it in the OP that GoDawgs had on BF'ing.
suzymarie:MayDayGirl:PrincessShay80:I think breastfeeding is always going to be an issue where you have ones that are for it and ones that are against it.
I would not think twice if I saw someone breastfeeding- it just doesnt bother me. But I would never do it, even if i have carrying my own child, its just not something that interests me.
I dont even think someone would know if you were breastfeeding an adopted child or your own child- its not like there is sign on the child.
I say go for it- eveyone has to make their own decision which is right for them- and no one else should pass judegment on them for that decision.
I am adopting an AA/biracial child, so if DH and I are together (both white) and I am nursing a black child, they will know... which is the only part that makes me think about it.. because it will be obvious to all that he/she is adopted... I just need to grow thicker skin in case I get comments!
I bet 99% of people will just think you are a white trash ho who sleeps around. I personally would rather them think I was adoptive BF'ing.
I think so few people even know it is even possible that they will instead be working out how long it was between when you got pg with the first kid, then got pg again by a different man, and then started dating/married a 3rd man!
Re: **suzymarie**
Whoa -- I hadn't read the BFing post since that one was posted.