Success after IF

I need to vent

DS has been so sick since fall.  I am so frustrated.  Asthma, multiple ear infections, multiple respiratory infections, and as of last night the stomach bug.  I know it s due to day care and I know it is expected, but my guy cannot catch a break.  I am okay with illness b/c it provides immunity, but this is a little much.  We are getting tubes in the next two weeks.  

I am never one to take anywhere near all my vacation days in a school year and as of this point I only have 4 left for the remainder of the school year.  I have to work.  It is not an option.  I am so worried this will effect my job.  And if I even want to try IVF again, that is two days off right there.  I just wish I could be home and we were not dealing with all of this.

Okay I feel a little better.   Thanks for listening to an old-timer that seldom has time to post anymore.

Re: I need to vent

  • Poor little guy :( and poor mama - that has got to be beyond frustrating...hopefully those tubes will help.
  • I don't completely understand your frustration, but I can imagine.  It's so exhausting to never catch a break.  It like you're constantly waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel.  Hopefully the tubes will do the trick and little dude (and you!) will find some relief.  Hang in there mama!
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  • I'm really sorry you are going through all this and from someone who took all her paid time off last year to go through surgery, it sucks not to have any vacation time to yourself.

    I hope that Ryan gets better and you can start mentally feeling better because of it.  ((HUGS)) Pam!

    Ella- 8/22/08, Jules and Tuck- 12/15/10
  • ugh. So frustrating. The girl who sits in the cube next to me is in the same boat. We get a paid time off bank of 25 days a year and by the time I started last July she had 7 days left for 2009.  She says the same thing. It's the daycare. And this is why I will not give into my DH's wishes of putting ours in daycare unless he wants to be the one to go home everytime we get a call.

     Poor ryan. Hope he feels better!

  • I'm sorry you're dealing with all the sickness.  :(  No fun for baby or mama.  Hang in there!!
  • I am so sorry you are going through this.  We had tubes at 7 mo. due to chronic ear infections at the daycare.  Unfortunately it is one of our necessary evils!
  • I hope you and the little guy are feeling better soon. My DS has had his share of infections and bugs this winter, not near the extent of Ryan. Hope you have a good weekend, with more sleep and no new symptoms!
  • imageeyenerd:
    I am so sorry you are going through this.  We had tubes at 7 mo. due to chronic ear infections at the daycare.  Unfortunately it is one of our necessary evils!

    ditto all this!

    And to add we had RSV the first week she was there.  So any cold she gets now leads to a cough.  We are constantly doing breathing treatments.

    I hope R feels better very soon! 

    Hang in there!  You can only do so much! 

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  • I am so sorry.  It is so hard.  It is REALLY hard for me to take a day off without notice and I get alot of crap for it at work.  DH has already stayed home like 4 days this month due to DS pneumonia, but then I feel horrible b/c I am going off to take care of other peoples kid instead of staying home with my own.

    You are doing a great job.  Hang in there.  I am a firm believer in tubes.  Hopefully they will make a difference.

  • I am so sorry that you're dealing with this! I know what you mean about taking time off - I haven't worked since Trig was born but when I was going through IVF, I had to take SO much freakin time off and then I got sick a lot, too, so I had to use all of my vacation and sick days AND they even let me make up time so I came in early. I hope that little guy feels better soon. I'll be thinking of you guys.
  • Oh Pamela, I'm so sorry for all you guys have been through. DD has been sick a lot since the fall too but not nearly as bad as your little dude. I hate  taking off work sucks  because I'm the only woman and of course when I have to take off because of the baby I feel like I'm proving to them that woman can't perform as well as man because we are mothers....I even lie and say I'm sick instead of baby

    In the end our children's health it most important and hopefully thing will be ok with our jobs.

    I hope all of our babies get better and the healthy ones..well stay healthy...



  • I'm so sorry, Pamela! It seems like you have had more than your share of challenges in the past few months. I hope that he turns a corner very soon and that the ear tubes help him. Just think - he'll probably have an immune system of steel by the time he starts kindergarten.
  • I'm so sorry sweetie!  You have had more than your fair share this year.  I hope he's feeling better soon.
  • It's so completely exhausting to have a sick little one.

    And to stack illness on top of illness can push you to the brink.

    I'm so very sorry and I hope he (and you) catches a break soon.

    If he's anything like my teenager the tubes will magically solve all of your problems.  Seriously - he NEVER got sick once we got him tubed and got his adnoids out.  I hope an end is in sight for you guys! 

    Our IF journey: 1 m/c, 1 IVF with only 3 eggs retrieved yielding Dylan and a lost twin, 1 shocker unmedicated BFP resulting in Jace, 3 more unmedicated pregnancies ending in more losses.
    Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
  • it is SO difficult to see our children sick and you have certainly had your fair share. I cannot even imagine. (((hugs)))


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    2 infertiles' journey to 2 pink lines (and a baby girl)
    "our IF story"
  • Thanks so much ladies.  You are the greatest!!!!!!!!!!!  I miss you all so much
  • I am so sorry that Little Dude has been so sick.  I hope that they understand at work--the last thing that you need is that additional stress.

    Sending healing thoughts your way!

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