3rd Trimester

*~* April Due Drops Check In *~* Friday

GIFT EXCHANGE needs to be shipped out by tomorrow! Do not let your secret santa down! buy it and ship it ASAP! 

Morning Everyone! Here is our check-in for everyone with a due date in April 2010. If you would like to be added please post your bump name ? real name ? age and your EDD (expected delivery date). If I missed you at the last check in please post again.

If anything has changed, like your EDD after the U/S please post an update with your original EDD so I can easily find you on the list. Also make sure we know which team you are on when you find out the sex! I will add Team GREEN, BLUE, or PINK after your info!

If you are listed in the due date needed list, please update your due date for me so that I can add you to the correct date.

Check-ins will be every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by 9am EST.  Feel free to check-in any time that day.  Give us a general update on your progress and anything else you want to add!  We will have a question of the day as well.  There will also be a link to the check-in posted sometime after 3pm EST on M, W, and F. Friday is bump Fridays, let?s show off those bellies ladies!

Gift Exchange is being organized by Jessys_Girl (thanks so much!) and the link to her original post about the exchange can be found here: UPDATE: Don?t forget gifts need to be shipped out by Jan 31st!

https://community.thebump.com/cs/ks/forums/thread/24976715.aspx https://community.thebump.com/cs/ks/forums/thread/26903374.aspx#backToTopAnchor

April Due Drops Facts:                                      

(as of  12-15-09)  thanks for the list PammyG08

Out of 573 April girls on that list

Boy -87 Girl -88 Green -52 Twins - 9 sets

(updated 1/10/10) There are now 593 girls

Boy - 110 Girl - 119 Green - 56 Twins - 10 sets

QOTD:   Have you decided on a name yet? If you want share the name you have picked or the "top contenders" if you haven't decided yet. For Team Pink & Blue was it easy to come up with a name? Team Green has it been harder coming up with one of each? Team Twins how has it been picking out too names? do we have any team green twins? I can't imagine having to pick 4 names! lol

Thoughts and well wishes goes to:


Sejabernathy, in the hospital with contractions and 1cm dialated here is her post on the board https://community.thebump.com/cs/ks/forums/30357878/ShowThread.aspx#30357878


lindseystenlund, on modified bed rest due to low amniotic fluids, going in once a week for NST (non stress test).


Jessys_Girl, has been put on modified bed rest due to a short cervix and its contracting. She is taking steroids to increase the LO?s lungs and has to check her sugar 4 times a day due to this. LO needs to cook a little more, she asks for T&P please!


Kelcat, going to a high risk specialist due to elevated BP and her cervix has shortened 3/10 of a centimeter to 2.3cm. She may be put on bed rest because of it. UPDATE: cervix is now 3cm and she?s off bed rest CONGRATS!


StrawberryAlarmClock, on modified bed rest due to high BP


Aa+C, has found out she has a uterine fibroid and has another u/s Feb. 10th to see if it's interfering with babies growth and to determine if it's covering her cervix creating a need for a c-section. They are really hoping for a natural delivery so they?re hoping this isn't the case! Keep us updated! GL!


Mrs. R. W., hospitalized bed rest for the duration of her pregnancy due to leaking amniotic fluid. She asks for T & P please! Keep us updated hun!


my1andonly, she is currently in the hospital on bedrest 8cm dilated, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers she needs to last until December 15, 2009 to get to 24 weeks

UPDATE: my1andonly said goodbye to her beautiful son 13 hours after delivery on 12/17/09. Our hearts go out to her and her family.


CharlotteBelle, she lost her son on 11/20/09


carolinah, she found out she is a carrier for a genetic disorder that effects the liver and ability for the LO to break down protein. Good luck over the next couple of weeks/months until you find out if you?re LO has this disorder. Good Luck at the u/s this week! UPDATE: She is having a girl and the chance goes down to 25% and it?s much more manageable with a female rather than a male! CONGRATS GUYS!


Jen N El, her little boy has two heart defects that need to be watched over the next few months. Please T&P that he will not need immediate open heart surgery! Next appt is Nov 30th and amino results right around then or right after due to the holidays. Amino results came back good and all testing has been normal! They go in for another u/s today (12/16) and hoping for good news! Good luck and congrats so far guys! UPDATE:  echo u/s came back with good results and the doctor is happy the baby is measuring 1-2 weeks ahead of schedule! Next u/s is 1/13. Congrats and rest up over the holidays guys!


MNdesigner, she lost her twin boys due to pre-e our thoughts and prayers go out to her and her DH.



April 1st TheBeeCharmer - Cate - 24 TEAM PINK Ehoff33 - Liz - 24 bison08 - erica - 27 Paradise Princess - Angel - 25 TEAM PINK Tulip370 - Kelly -  AmyLRosen - Amy - 32 Hulaqt - TEAM BLUE bb80 - beth - 28 TEAM PINK Aug Bride - anita - 36 TEAM PINK Katejwolf - Kate - 25 Mrs.Hubbard - 28 TEAM PINK Katdil - Elizabeth - 35 atasich - Amy - 25 sgagnon - Stephanie - 31 BW2004 - Blaire - 23 Guppysown - Chris - 33 smileyone - Jen - 32 Jordan525 - Jordan - 25 TEAM BLUE Married2003 - Jung - 39 debbiep4-Debbie-29 Beccaballoon - becca - 24 CTMama5579 - Heather - 29 cobydoll - Coby - 22 TEAM PINK alliecat410 - Allison TEAM BLUE buckeyebride107 - Johnna - 26 TEAM BLUE April 2nd WearingRed - 25 TEAM GREEN Cindyhow - cindy Stacynikki - Stacy - 33 TEAM BLUE Annieluvsjordan - Annie - 24 Two*True - J - 29 KaylanMichelle14 - Kaylan - 21 sunshinegal0726 - Michelle - 23 TEAM BLUE Sweetnevaeh4 -  28 Mrsnchinea - Nicole - 27 RRHSMom - Sarah - 28 Mystjava - Crystal - 40 TEAM BLUE Lexis Nunez - 25  HarCoMommy - Tonya - 28 prettychyc - Linda - 34  adcffaa - Tyleena - 22 TEAM GREEN isithereyet? - Katie - 32 TEAM PINK laineybix - Elaine - 35 Jewelz416  - Julie -  Lyssapee - Alyssa - 28 TEAM PINK Thejokersqueen - Brandy - 28    hunniebunches - 32 TEAM GREEN jmat08 - ashley - 22 TEAM PINK mscars10s - Emily - 20 TEAM GREEN danandkelly - Kelly  TEAM PINK SHUTCHCRAFT - Susan - 31 TEAM PINK shannon.texas - Shannon - 30 TEAM BLUE  April 3rd sstar1308 - sarah  - 27 TEAM PINK KristaNoel2010 - Krista - 22 tsu_04 - Toni - 28/ 29 TEAM BLUE sam7272 - Sam - 29 TEAM BLUE futuremrssoto - emily- 23 TEAM PINK AshA32 - Ashley - 32 mindi_lynn - Mindi - 26 pjoann78 - Trish - 31 Mac1178 - Margaret - 30 Amorlinda - Melissa - 24 KCBaby - Ann - 32 TEAM GREEN ShariL ? Shari ? 32 Rodgersonmumma - Amanda - 22 TEAM PINK Lisa_Ont - Lisa - 33 TEAM PINK Princessn678 - Nichole - 28 TEAM PINK Lydia_w - Lydia - 25  Sylphine - Emily - 28 TEAM BLUE awolfhunt - Angela - 31  TEAM BLUE sddriggs - Stephanie - 25 TEAM BLUE ada0716 - Amber - 31 TEAM BLUE Llamakeeper - Laurie - 32 TEAM BLUE April 4th Lumbride - Katie - 33 adri823 - Adrienne - 28 TEAM BLUE 4thofJulyWedding - 4OJW - 27 AML84 -  *MrsChad* - 28 TEAM PINK jennasita - Jennifer - 35 ahuddleston - Angela Speaker - 23 chris27 - Christy - 33 TEAM BLUE Kuuipo1006 - Jessica - 25 TEAM PINK KaitlynDC6 - Lisa - 28 Lindseystenlund - Lindsey - 29 TEAM BLUE Rbentley - 32 Cbandjp - Jessica TEAM BLUE Flowr4246 - Jaime Lee - 28 TEAM GREEN cajungirl0717 - Ada - 25 TEAM PINK irishrose146 - Jennifer - 26  yellow78 - tiffany TEAM PINK luv2dnce81 - Elizabeth - 28 TEAM BLUE delaware04 - Amanda - 22 TEAM PINK April 5th Julie1972 - Julie - 37 parkie13 - Hellen - 30 Lisvenn - Lisa - 32 jess545 - Jessica - 25 felecia_hope - Lauren - 32 TEAM PINK LNYOST - Lauren - 28 TEAM BLUE Gsusfsh - Jessica - 26 mfield - Michelle - 28 Annierenz - annie - 30 TEAM BLUE MsMonica's1st - Monica - 33 TEAM PINK mgoldstein3 - Megan - 27 TEAM PINK APallitto - Angelina xoxbabybubbaxox - Kayla - 17  Mrslisvenn - TEAM GREEN Llsoule - Laura - 29 jzc0106 - Jolie - 35 ChristalT - Christal - 29 TEAM PINK NinjaNic - Nicole - 27 TWINS TEAM PINK Aa+C - Christi  TEAM PINK Danto TEAM PINK Rasz39 -  Rae - TEAM PINK melbry15 - Melissa - 32 TEAM PINK April 6th Jennicap - Jen - 32 TEAM GREEN rachierae - Rachel - 25 Chongqingstar - 29 taralynn819 - Tara - 29 Spokorny - Stephanie - 31 O'C - Colleen - 27 hughesdegitz- Megan - 24  Taagent - Sarah - 31 kessa75 - Jessica - 33 Hadams2009 - Heather - 26 TEAM BLUE my1andonly - erin - 24 kmo91606 - Katie - 30 Aliki - Clare - 29 TEAM PINK Halfpintlbk - Laura - 26 cobabymama - Chels - 21 Halfpintlbk - Laura - 26 Megannicolewheeler - Megan - 25 TEAM PINK BarbieAP - Barbara - 28 TEAM BLUE LTG - Lynn - 27 TEAM PINK wonderbird - Sarah - 30 TEAM GREEN April 7th Jeccap - Jessica - 28 Gcavvv - Genna - 27 TEAM BLUE JenChris05 - Jen - 30  cherrys - Emily - 29 TEAM BLUE niene0319 - Geniene - 25 JellymanKelly - 29 EileenBerg - Eileen - 29  TEAM GREEN Lovinfall - Kanella - 32 TEAM BLUE Beyondthesea16 - Heather - 28 Toriwc - Leslie - 31 Ericnerica - Erica - 20 FutureMrsLemon - 25 ChelseyParker - Chelsey - 21 jnlalfonso- Janelle- 24 Katymichelle - Katy - 25 TEAM GREEN gypsywitch - Jessica TEAM PINK kendrabailey - Kendra - 27 grule80 - Gayle - 28 Cakemom10 - Sabrina - 30 TEAM BLUE bergs720 - Lisa - 31 TEAM PINK Hoshicat - Ash - 23 tkdtara84 - Tara - 25 CraftyPSUwife - Laura ? 26 TEAM BLUE DanieT. - Danielle ? 20 RecentlySpooned - Monica - 26 PhillyFishie - Kim - 29 TEAM PINK xtencornfield - Kristen - 30 TEAM BLUE kmgourley - 22  LUVOURBABY - DENISE - 30 Cyndi79 - Cyndi - 30  TEAM PINK mdelamater -  Megan - 24 TEAM BLUE missginag - Gina - 28 TEAM PINK Jsolivan - Jennifer - 26 TEAM BLUE April 8th melissamaloo - Melissa - 29 TEAM PINK nln883 - Natalie - 26 raineth


Re: *~* April Due Drops Check In *~* Friday

  • We are team blue and we picked Aiden William as our little peanuts name. People have begun to tell us we are spelling Aiden wrong and it should be Aidan to which I say "I could spell it PMJGHF and call him Aiden if I really want to" LOL
    2.5 yrs of TTC, 6 failed IUI's (clomid then injectibles), 1 failed fresh IVF (with 27 eggs retrieved), and finally our sticky baby on FET #1 in August 2009. Baby Aiden arrived on April 24, 2010!!!! Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers my blog
  • we are team green and have decided on a first name if it's a girl but no middle name.  As for a boy, we have 2-3 top contenders for a first name and we have a definite middle name because it is a family name.  But, we are keeping all names hush hush until LO arrives.  sorry ladies :)
    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • Question: Have you decided on a name yet? If you want share the name you have picked or the "top contenders" if you haven't decided yet. For Team Pink & Blue was it easy to come up with a name? Team Green has it been harder coming up with one of each? Team Twins how has it been picking out too names? do we have any team green twins? I can't imagine having to pick 4 names! lol

    Answer: We are team Blue!! And after much debate, we decided on the name Elijah. DH wanted to name him Carl, III. But I am one of those mothers who thinks that you shouldn't just stamp a child with a name just because they are your "first born male child". I think every child should have a name that means something, and is suited for him/her. Not trying to start a big debate. Just stating my reasons for choosing my baby's name.

  • QOTD: We decided on Andrew James a couple of weeks before the big u/s. We had already chosen a girl's name before our BFP, so we were set either way. For us, it was a pretty easy decision - we only changed our minds once about the boy's name, very early on in the pregnancy.

  • imagesoxgirlie2476:
    We are team blue and we picked Aiden William as our little peanuts name. People have begun to tell us we are spelling Aiden wrong and it should be Aidan to which I say "I could spell it PMJGHF and call him Aiden if I really want to" LOL

    I love your response! Lol.

  • Good Morning Ladies,

     we are naming our little girl: Reilly Sophia

    named for my husbands paternal grandmothers maiden name and Sophia- the S is for Shirley- my dear Grandmother who when i was a just a little girl promised to watch over my babies from heaven- and i truly believe she has thus far!

    Happy weekend to all- do something nice for yourselves! you deserve it!!

    Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We are team pink and have decided to name her Ryann Elizabeth.  It will be pronounced like Ryan.  I also have been getting the why are you spelling it wrong, who needs the extra n business, isn't the name Ry-ann, or why the heck would you give a girl a boys name.  But hey my kids, my ways. 

    DH and I wanted something a little different (nothing too out there, it is hard to go crazy when your names are Chris and Ashley).  I knew a little girl named Ryann and she was the most amazing little kid ever.  And we decided to go with the two n's because even if some people mess up her name, I wanted the name to have a little girliness to it.

  • QOTD:   Have you decided on a name yet? If you want share the name you have picked or the "top contenders" if you haven't decided yet. For Team Pink & Blue was it easy to come up with a name? Team Green has it been harder coming up with one of each? Team Twins how has it been picking out too names? do we have any team green twins? I can't imagine having to pick 4 names! lol

    We are Team Green so we dont know the sex of the baby yet which is really challenging.. We agreed that we would determine the name when the baby comes but some several names that we have in mind are:

    Brynn Stella

    Ciara Marella

    Amira Marella

    and for boys which seem to be a challenge for us...

    Oliver Ewan

    Issac Oliver 

    Edit: you girls r the first ones to know the names as we have not shared it with anybody else :)  

  • We are Team Pink and have known for about a year before we became PG that our girl name would be Sophie and boy would be Ian. DH's family is English so we wanted a very British name. Sophie Victoria is what we decided on since Victoria is my mom's first name. She couldn't be happier.

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  • Morning all. We had a very hard time picking a boys name b/c DH wanted to name the baby after his father, and I hated that name (I'm not going to say since I don't want to offend anyone but it was an old fashion popular name)...but we're team pink!!! Name choosing was easy. There was one name that was both on our list. Bethany... Middle name is DH's grandmothers name..Rose. So our baby girl is Bethany Rose.


    Oh and Soxgirlie, my brother is named Aiden with an "e" as is my father. So you're not spelling it wrong in my book:-)

    TTC since 6/2003. m/c 9/14/03 8 weeks, 5 chemical pregnancies, mmc 6/04 12 weeks, Michael born sleeping 5/25/05 at 22weeks always our angel, fought ovarian cancer and won, m/c 4/06 5.2 weeks and 7/07 6.6 weeks,Our Miracle baby girl born 4/8/10,mc 12/18/11 at 5.3 weeks, BFP 10/26/12 dating u/s on 11/8/12 showing a strong heartbeat!EDD July 4,2013. RCS on 6/27. Baby boy in NICU for 8 long and scary days before he was able to come home. We are now a happy family of 4

    . imageimage

  • TGIF Due Drops!

    QOTD: We decided on a girl and boy name before finding out the sex. When we learned we were having a little girl, we'd already chosen Olivia Gabrielle. It was a pretty easy choice.

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  • see..Aiden is perfectly awesome!!  It's fun to refer to him by name..although alot of our friends still call him Bean which is cute too, but not as a first name 
    2.5 yrs of TTC, 6 failed IUI's (clomid then injectibles), 1 failed fresh IVF (with 27 eggs retrieved), and finally our sticky baby on FET #1 in August 2009. Baby Aiden arrived on April 24, 2010!!!! Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers my blog
  • I love Ryann..your little girl is going to be beautiful!
    2.5 yrs of TTC, 6 failed IUI's (clomid then injectibles), 1 failed fresh IVF (with 27 eggs retrieved), and finally our sticky baby on FET #1 in August 2009. Baby Aiden arrived on April 24, 2010!!!! Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers my blog
  • We are team blue and had names picked for both sexes before we even got our BFP.  Actually, before we were even married!  haha  Anyway, our son's name is Brodie Sky.  If by chance it ends up being a girl, we'll name her Ashlyn Rain.
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  • Morning everyone! My back is really starting to bother me, enough that I made an appt for Monday with the chiropractor, I hope it helps!

    As for names since we're team green we need one of each. The girl first name is set it will be Aldina which is DH's grandmothers name, she is our last living grandparent between the two of us and she'll be 94 10 days after my due date, the middle name we aren't sure of I really want Ann-Marie which is two of my sister's middlenames, DH likes Maria. I am stubborn and I want what I want so I'm going to stick with my choice. For a boy name we just can't decide, our contenders are Eric Manuel, Marcus Antone-Robert, Gabriel Antone, Emmanuel Antone and Julian Emmanuel

    Antone, Manuel, Eric and Robert are all family names

  • We have decided on two names.  My husband's name is one of them (he is a IV and we are undecided about carrying on the family name) and a "backup" name that we both love.  We're not going to decide which one to use until we meet the little guy, though. 

    image image
  • Our little girl will be Samantha Grace
  • Ok, I'm off bedrest for my cervix, but I am facing bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy due to my blood pressure.  I went to the dr and my bp was up still, but not as bad as last time.  She knows I'm getting wacky numbers at home and swelling.  She was going to put me on bedrest starting this week but because I can't work from home, and the fact that I am able to sit all day made her delay it.  She told me straight out that I need to prepare for bedrest becuase I will be on it before the baby is due.  Now, I have to do the 24 hr urine collection and have biophysical scans every week for the next 3 wks.  I'm hoping I'll be able to put bedrest off at least for another couple of weeks (and to me it's scary to think that I only have about 10wks left in this pregnancy).  I'm hoping everything comes back normal with my urine and blood work and that it is just PIH and not Pre-e (although I am prepared for that and calm, my mom had it with my little sister so I know what to expect).

    As far as names go, we had a little problem picking out a boys name.  We tossed names around for a few months but once we heard one we both loved it was decided.  I tried to get DH to think of girls names but he insisted we were having a boy.  That is until we found out we were having a girl!  So I made him sit down the night we found out and start looking for names.  He found one in less then an hour and we both liked it.  Our little girl's name is Declinn Ann and we couldn't be happier.

  • We are having a boy, and we can't agree on a name. We both have our own favorite name and then our second names are the same, but neither of us are willing to change. So we will see what he is named! Most likely it won't happen until he is born.
  • We are team green. We have names already picked out. There common names, not too common, but we like them so we don't care. DH picked out the boy name, a name i am fine with. The girls name i picked, it is a name i have loved since high school. the middle names are going to be after family members so we didn't have to worry about that.
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  • We have decided both our names.  The girl one was easy I've had that for a while.  The spelling of her name has been a little difficult due to a crazy MIL demanding that I spell it a certain way (which I'm not going to) so I had to figure out a way to spell it without making it too weird.  The boy name was harder, we were able to come up with a first name pretty easy but the middle name was hard.

    We have told some people but not too many.  I don't want any negative comments so I haven't shared that much. 

  • QOTD:   Have you decided on a name yet? If you want share the name you have picked or the "top contenders" if you haven't decided yet. For Team Pink & Blue was it easy to come up with a name? Team Green has it been harder coming up with one of each? Team Twins how has it been picking out too names? do we have any team green twins? I can't imagine having to pick 4 names! lol


    We have decided on Peyton Sophia. We came up with a boys name relatively easy and fast before we knew what we were having but struggled with a girls name. When we found out it was a girl I told DH we needed to stop being so stubborn and agree on something, and we agreed on Peyton, but then it wasn't until after Xmas that we decided on a middle name. We just couldn't find one that fit! And Sophie is a big name in my family ( in the older generations, its my great grandmothers name) and I told DH I wished we had named Peyton, Sophia and he suggested we use it as a middle name, so I was thrilled to keep a family name. DD#1's middle name is Marie also a big family name, it is my sisters and my aunts middle name.

  • imagesoxgirlie2476:
    We are team blue and we picked Aiden William as our little peanuts name. People have begun to tell us we are spelling Aiden wrong and it should be Aidan to which I say "I could spell it PMJGHF and call him Aiden if I really want to" LOL

    ...I $hit you not this was the exact name we had picked out for a boy. William is DH's middle name hahahahah....

  • Girl-  Isabella Bailey

    Boy-  Nathaniel Ivan

    We've had the boy's name since I was pg with DD. So that was easy. For the girls name I gave my DH a baby name book and made him cross off the names he didn't like. He ended up with a list of 5 names and I told him he could pick the first name since I like all the names on his list. The middle name is my BFF's middle name.

  • Wow, so may of us needing T&P....hope things improve!

    QOTD:  We are team blue and have had a horrible time picking out names.  We love the girl names, but boy names were really difficult for us.  DH loved Tyler, I loved Dane, and we both sort of liked Trent, Derek, and Darren.  So, we're kind of waiting to see what strikes us when he's born.  Middle names?  No idea!! 

    Wrangling babies since 2010
  • We're team blue, and it wasn't very hard to come up with a name for him at all. We are naming him after my dear brother who passed away when I was 14. The hardest part is keeping it a secret from our families until LO gets here. My parents will be over joyed, his parents will be mad because our LO gets my brothers first name, middle name, and not DH's families traditional boy middle names. Let the flames from them begin after LO get's here!!!


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  • Team Pink - we played it safe "Emily Hope"
  • We are team pink and have picked out Olivia Grace. If she comes out a HE then it will be Nicholas Matthew.  (I am still pretty nervous that they may have just missed something on the ultrasound...luckily we painted the nursery green...just in case!)
  • We are team BLUE and will name him Noah Daniel.  Thankfully, everything is going great with my pregnancy.  We have our first child birth class this Saturday and next week brings the 28th wk GD test.  T & P's to all.
  • QOTD:   Have you decided on a name yet? If you want share the name you have picked or the "top contenders" if you haven't decided yet. For Team Pink & Blue was it easy to come up with a name?

    We actually had the names figured out before we were married (3.5 years ago!). So names weren't a problem this round. Well, my mom didn't like our girl-choice, but she approves of the nickname. Zip it!

    Rae Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • !!! TEAM PINK !!! 

    two names that have been thought of but not yet final

    Leandra Neve

    Katia Neve

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker -- Anniversary --
  • Yay I'm officially in 3rd Tri today! 

    As for a name we have decided on one but we aren't sharing w/ anyone yet.  

  • Our initial plan was team green twins. We had four names picked out. We changed our minds at 22 weeks. It was super easy picking out boy names and our one girl name. It took forever to pick out our other girl name.

    Once we found out, we knew exactly what their first names would be and the middle names are pretty set but there is room for change.

    As of now:

    Lucas Matthew James

    Elena Rosalie Anya

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  • our little mans name will be Aiden Samuel ...samuel after my grandpa who passed away
  • Our name is the first names of our fathers. My dad died when I was 16 and DH's died when he was 22 shortly after we got engaged. When we found out it was a boy it was pretty easy.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • QOTD:   Have you decided on a name yet? If you want share the name you have picked or the "top contenders" if you haven't decided yet. For Team Pink & Blue was it easy to come up with a name? Team Green has it been harder coming up with one of each? Team Twins how has it been picking out too names? do we have any team green twins? I can't imagine having to pick 4 names! lol


    Yes, our baby girl's name is Jeanne Elise. It was easy once we learned we were team pink because I was set on this name month's before we got pregnant. Jeanne has been a family name since we moved to Nova Scotia from France. If we were team blue, we had no idea (at 20 weeks) what we would have named him.

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  • We are team pink and have picked Lily Anne for her name...My great grandmothers name was Lilian, whom they called Lily{which also happen to be my favorite flowers} and Anne has been in my mothers family for generations, and its also my middle name..I've had it picked out since I was a little girl but there was some drama when we announced it..A girl who needless to say is no longer my friend went around telling everyone I stole her baby name etc etc..btw let me mention she isn't pregnant and even if she was how petty is that! I LOVE it!! AND I am so excited to call my daughter Lily! =} T & P go out to all those who need them!!
  • thanks everyone for the T&P's! sending out *dust* to those who need it!

    Let me say that my gift was supposed to go out yesterday (payday) but when i ended up in the hospital wed, i had to hold off. i do have it and it is sitting wrapped on dining room table so maybe i can get lucky and have DH send it! it will go out I PROMISE! 

    QOTD: well it was easy because we had names picked out for a b and g. we also knew we didn't want stuff like eric/erica or michael/michaela or jack/jill lol 

    the middle names were the hardest! But we have mackayla grace and braylon deion!  

    UPDATE: 2 days now, still in L&D. still dilated to 1cm which is good, no change from yesterday! OB says we have at least a couple more days hopefully 2+more weeks but we have to see what happens after i come off mag. contractions are down to 1-3 an hour. i am not in NEARLY as much pain as I was when I was admitted. i received my 2nd steroid shot at 9 pm last night and we are waiting for the official 48 hours after the 1st shot (tonite 9pm). OB says tomorrow morning at about 9:30am I will be taken off of the mag and then observed and moved from L&D to the anti-partum unit! this means catheter comes out and i get shower privliges AND get to go to pee in the toilet! oh how the little things excite me!  


    <3 Mommy to Markhas Aiden 10-4-06 Born at 29 weeks & Spontaneous Twins, Mackayla Grace and Braylon Deion 3-12-10 Born at 36 weeks 1 day <3 <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e78/sejabernathy/?action=view&current=Untitled.jpg" target="_blank">PhotobucketMY B.L.O.G. Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersa> Lilypie First Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Hi all - I'm new to this board, mind if I jump in? We're team green, and due april 21st!!
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