DH's sperm and my eggs met for the very 1st time (granted a needle had to force the sperm into my egg....detail:) ). I can't believe it, the 1st spark of my baby girls life started 2 years ago today. So amazing 2 years ago she was in a dish, now she's asleep in my lap.......I'm so in love!
Re: 2 years ago today....
Well happy 2nd conception-ersary:)
::throws confetti:::
Baby Trail Blog
"Someday we will look at our babies and know it will be worth it. If it was easy, we would not have had our babies, the babies we were meant to have." From Amy052006
LOL! I think there might be a market for conception-ersary cards:) I'll share my profits!
Congratulations!!! What an exciting event! Two years? Wow.
Sweet little girl!
(FWIW, from a thread from yesterday--I think that your daughter is proportionate! But, then again, I like big headed babies and men! My DH has a big head--that's where Grant gets his!!!)
LOL! Me too! DD gets her head from her daddy too!
Grant is sooooooo adorable!!!
Thank you!
Isabel is darling! Can you imagine the melon on their babies if Isabel and Grant got married and had kids? They'd be cute, but *really, really* smart!
Our Thanksgiving Day baby 11/22/07
Pregnant with #2 with LPD, uterine polyp/hysteroscopy, DOR (AMH = 0.17), 2 c/ps
Our early Christmas present 12/9/10
Thanks:) LOL I thought about that last night when you were mentioned the size of Grants head
Yes, their babies would be VERY smart
As wonderful a future DIL I'm certain that she would be, I don't know that I could wish that kind of birth experience upon her! (Granted, this would be 25-30 years from now, but still!)
Kiss that sweet lil' melon for me! It does not seem that long ago. . . I remember you posting on, what was T-TTC.
I would def tell her to take that epi!!!
I will give that "lil" melon a kiss! Pass one on to Grant!
In some ways it seems like the T-TTC days were yesterday!
I remember!!! I'm so glad we're mommies now!!!