Success after IF

Everything I loved stinks!

My hub is baking salmon and making some garlic rice and the smell is atrocious!  I don't even know what to eat anymore. I can't eat ground turkey anymore either.


Re: Everything I loved stinks!

  • That sucks.  I have been pretty congested this entire pregnancy so, I haven't dealt with that yet.
  • imageLCB34:
    That sucks.  I have been pretty congested this entire pregnancy so, I haven't dealt with that yet.

    Especially when nothing else seems appetizing.

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  • I know what you mean. I can't even stand the smell of myself when I wear perfume. Ugh.
  • It's such a pain, isn't it? Ugh. It has started calming down for me :) the end is in sight for you ( hopefully!!)
  • I am right there with you!  I can't even stick my nose in the fridge.  I have to hold my breath every time.  Even things like peanut butter....the smell just makes me gag, and I used to eat it from the jar!  It's terrible :(
    TTC #1 since 6/07, Dx = Ovulatory dysfunction, DOR, and autoimmune issues ~ 4 Clomid cycles, 1 Femara Cycle, 6 Injectible IUI cycles~ 4 Chemical PG's ~ IVF #1 Dec '09 = BFP!! Beta 8dp3dt = 68 10dp3dt = 276 16dp3dt = 1511 ~ First U/S 1/14 = 3 Heartbeats!!! Lost Baby C at 8w5d Emergency Cerclage at 22wks saved our babies lives Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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