Success after IF

:( My 1hr glucose test was pretty high

Dr said my results were 207. He didn't seem overly concerned, but wants me to come in tomorrow to discuss. I'm so nervous about GD! Ugh :(

Re: :( My 1hr glucose test was pretty high

  • That is high but not horrible. You will probably have to do the 3 hour test which is not fun but doable. Just make sure you bring a book or an i-pod with you. I had GD and while it is not fun, it is not the worst thing in the world. THe GD diet is very healthy and I only gained 21 lbs. during my entire pregnancy thanks to it. You can still eat A LOT of things, it is just in moderation. If you have other questions, visit the high risk pregnancy board. There is a lot of GD women there and it is very helpful.
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  • My 1-hour was 174 but I passed my 3-hour.  You might still be fine...wait until the 3-hour and see what happens.
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  • I agree with the PP's.  You may pass the 3 hour with flying colors and even if you don't, the GD diet is actually a lot of stuff I would eat anyways.  :)  When I failed my 1 hour, I looked into the GD diet and was surprised at how most of the meal suggestions sounded great to me.

    Good luck!

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  • i hope it's nothing to worry about and tomorrow's appointment reassures you. good luck!
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