Was this when your LO was tired?
Mine was cranky last night and got up every 2 hours once we got home, just to whine and be heard more then anything. He wasn't really hungry, only ate 1/2 his bottle each feeding.Â
Today he is past the 3 hour mark and I am debating letting him go another hour or waking him to eat. It is just unusual that he is sleeping this late in the morning and unusual for him not to chow down.Â
He doesn't feel hot so no fever.
Re: Day after 2 month shots??
Dylan was really cranky until around 5:00 after his shots at 9:30 that morning. Then he slept like crazy. 6:30 - 9:30, we woke him up to eat, and then 11:00 - 6:30 (when he's never slept through the night before), and he slept most of yesterday (day after shots). He seems back to normal now, waking up during the night like usual.
I'd let him sleep. It's very common for babies to be really tired after the shots. Â
BFP with no treatment!
My girls sleep a lot after shots. I was concerned about that too and asked around. I've heard it's normal. At 2 months I was still required to wake them every 3 hours to eat though because of being preemies.
Baby Trail Blog
"Someday we will look at our babies and know it will be worth it. If it was easy, we would not have had our babies, the babies we were meant to have." From Amy052006
Grant was cranky and fussy after his 2 month shots. The amount that he ate dropped quite a bit for a week or two as well.