Do you actually go for a separate physical with you Primary Care Physician as well as a GYN appt?
Why or Why Not?
What color socks do you bring to the GYN?
My Answer:
No I do not because my GYN actually does more in the 30 minutes with him than my PCP does. All my PCP does is check my reflexes, weigh me and ask me general questions that the GYN asks. Then I get sent for bloodwork that my Hematologist does in office on a quarterly basis.
Stripey Rainbow socks.
Re: Poll: In honor of my GYN appt this afternoon
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
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yes. i have a PCP & a GYN. they each do "their" thing- although my PCP always asks if i need a PAP. this is just how it's always been.
whatever socks i happen to have on- and if it's summer- whatever mismatched socks i grab out of the drawer in the morning.
look at the birds | bless this food
My family doc does OB/GYN, so I see him for everything. He's also my kid's pedi.
I wear whatever socks I have clean LOL
Yes. I go to my PCP for a separate physical and it usually takes about 3 hours (she's super specific!) and then I have a GYN for my annual pap.
I usually wear purple fuzzy socks that apparently have aloe in them.
Yes, but I don't always go for a regular physical every year (bad). I always go to my yearly GYN appt.
I never really think about what kind of socks I wear there, but now next time I will!
My OB/GYN does pretty much everything for me yearly - physical, pap, bloodwork, etc. I also love my OB/GYN's office. I do have a separate PCP though - for actual sickness or something. I might see them once every couple of years!
I never really think about what kind of socks I wear there, but this will definitely be in my mind next time!!