She sent out a message to myself and a group of girls saying she was having a jewelry party at her house. One girl replied to everyone that she would try to make it. My SIL repliled back, thinking she was only replying back to this one girl, saying she hoped she could make it and that she missed her and really she was the only one she wanted there anyway but felt obligated to invite everyone else. I replied back that if she was going to be kissing up maybe she should make sure that no one else can read the message.
She's a smart one, I tell you!
Re: My SIL is so dumb - FB related
Baby Trail Blog
"Someday we will look at our babies and know it will be worth it. If it was easy, we would not have had our babies, the babies we were meant to have." From Amy052006
That is too funny!
Ouch! Bet she's feelin mighty embarrassed!
For the record, I did something like this once. FB is so weird, when you hit "reply" it automatically does "reply all". The only way to only reply to one person in that scenario is to manually delete everyone else.