Success after IF

Reusing bottles question

We have and used both Dr. Browns and Born Free bottles for DS.  I know that most people buy replacement nipples, but what about replacement vents, etc?   Both types of bottles that we have have multiple parts and I was just not sure what we should do.  I'd also hate to replace everything and DD not even like either type of bottle.  

 Thanks for any input :)

It took over four years to be diagnosed with PCOS. We TTC #1 for 18 months, did 5 rounds of Clomid and finally moved onto IVF...which worked! Throughout our IF journey, we suffered 3 miscarriages. We conceived both DD and DS without treatment.
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Re: Reusing bottles question

  • My gut reaction, is no don't have to buy all the insert stuff again. Just sterilize it all. And yeah, just buy new nipples.
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