Landon was on Similac in the hospital.. They gave us samples and we used them for the first week at home. We then switched him to Kirkland's (Costco brand). He was on it for a total of 3 weeks. The first two, he was fine.. He still had loose stool (just the typical new baby stuff), but started becoming firmer. The third week on Kirkland formula, he started sptting it up a lot (projetile spit up). I kept him on it for the week, thinking maybe he had a bug and it wasn't formula related, but the spit up didn't decrease.
So, a week and a half ago, we switched him back to Similac. The excessive spitting up stopped, but his stool became runny and he has quite a bit of gas. The stool is like diarrhea and has been since the switch. I called the pediatrician this morning and spoke with the nurse. She said that as long as there is no blood in it, that she wouldn't be concerned and to just keep an eye on him.
He's not running a fever or anything, but has been more fussy than usual these last couple of weeks. I'm not sure what's going on, but I just feel like him having diarrhea should be a concern, no? She said to just keep him on the Similac. I mentioned trying the Fussy and Gas Similac Formula, which is lactose free. My concern was if I put him on a lactose free formula now, will it cause milk adversions later on in life? Her response was that it shouldn't...
I'm just not sure how to handle this.. At what time would the diarrhea become a concern? Is this all normal? ...any suggestions?
Re: How to find the right formula?
I think he's urinating enough.. I change his diaper every hour or so during the day and he's always wet..
**ETA I guess if the diarrhea were a problem, it would be causing him to be dehydrated and lessening his urine output. That makes sense... Thanks! I just wonder when his stool will becaome less runny, if this is considered "typical".
Lucas is a little over 3 months old and is poo is still very runny. It hasn't changed in consistency since he was born, at least not enough for me to notice.
Its not easy to do
I've been there with boy boys........DS#1 was on Nutramigen and DS#2 is on Alimentum.
My advice: trust your gut.
Its hard b/c babies are gassy and have loose stools at first, but if its more watery (like diarrhea) and if he appears to be in pain from the gas, call your pedi.
The easiest thing is to take in a poopy diaper and have them test it for blood/mucous. If that comes back positive, they will put him on a hypoallergenic formula.
If not, you may want to switch to a "gentler" formula (i.e. Enamil Gentlease, etc.)
At this young of an age, I would personally be leary of using Costco and/or other formulas like this. Not because its not "good" but because you might want to find out what formula he can tolerate before you go to a brand like Kirklands......
Also, don't be afraid to give Mylicon for his gas to see if that helps!
I agree, trust you gut!! I didn't produce enough milk for my son, so we switched to formula after struggling with milk production. I went from Similac Advanced to Similac Sensitive to Good Start Gentle Plus to Enfamil Prosobee back to Good Start Gentle Plus and finally landed on Alimentum.
My son would not be happy while he was awake as he'd cry from the gas pains. He had mucus in his stools, had reflux, would cry in his sleep. 2 of the pedis that we saw said to put him on reflux meds and the other said to switch him to soy formula. (All in same office). The soy made him MISERABLE. The reflux meds made him miserable as well, made his stomach hurt. We switched to Alimentum against the advice of the pedis, and he's a completely different baby. He has gas still, but it doesn't hurt him, he's SO HAPPY now. He sleeps a lot more peacefully. His reflux is a ton better.
Your instinct is so much more important than what the doctor says. Follow it. If you're wrong, you can switch back, but if you're right, you'll be so happy to have your baby be more comfortable.
BFP with no treatment!