I am 9w4d. It was a little sad to think I was leaving them since I went through so much with them. Yet I am so excited to go to the OB now.
The baby was wiggling around and flapping its arm buds. It was so cute and it actually is starting to look like a baby. We saw the brain and the thick cord. They said the baby looks great. HB was 183 and its measuring 2.57cm. It still doesn't seem real but here we are.
On another note. My DH and I went and was looking at baby stuff. I was so set on not finding out the sex, but there is practicly no gender neutral stuff. And of the few there is, it is not very cute. At least what I have seen. So I am thinking about finding out. Anyone want to comment on this. Please help!
Re: Graduated from RE yesterday!
As for finding out the sex, I was so anxious to find out I'm not much help in persuading you not to, but I know a lot of women don't.
Congratulations! How exciting
There is no way that I would have been able to be team green. I'm too much of a type A person, and have to have everything planned and organized just so. However, when I read stories from moms that were team green, and how amazing it was to hear, "It's a girl" or "It's a boy" kinda makes me wish that I wouldn't have known beforehand.
Because we're fancy like that.
i was actually surprised by the amount of cute gender neutral baby items when i was shopping around before we found out what we were having. as a matter of fact, the bedding we decided to go with is probably more gender neutral and not as little boy (what we are having, btw).
Aww, that is such a great milestone! Congrats!
I'm no help on finding out the sex. After trying so long, I had NO patience left and wanted to find at as soon as possible!