Hey - it seems like we've had a lot of sad news lately, anyone care to lighten the mood and share with us some fun/funny accomplishments? New pgcy milestone? New words? New smiles?
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Lucy has started with a lot of 3 word phrases - Lucy shoes buh-bye (can you tell she only wears shoes when we go out? and the one from the other day Lucy go grandma's.
Funny moment: She's really into necklaces lately - she put dh's road ID (dog tag style) on the dog, stood back and said "beautiful" and then today she was putting rosaries (they are out in a pile to be donated) on his little stump of a tail, hysterical!
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DS took two full crawls toward a toy last night before collapsing on his belly. It was pretty cool! He'll be ripping around any day now..not sure if I'm ready!!
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Brady is finally starting to put words together. Usually it comes out as "No Mommy!" with a finger point in my face. Which is hysterical to me, but I have to try really hard not to laugh at him. He is starting to put other little phrases together too. It is so fun to watch him grow and learn new things.
Nolan is just starting to sit up unassisted. When did he get so big?!!?
Dillon almost rolled over. He could have done it had he kept going, but he smacked himself in the face with the toy he was trying to grab for and then started crying.
Still no smiles - I think I may have a super serious baby on my hands.
A lot of years and a million tears finally led me to you.
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v705/arriinthere/PJ/?action=view
Bella has started blowing raspberries..constantly. She also smacks her lips together after every bite of food she takes. And, she's cruising like a wild woman! 8 months old today, I can't believe it!
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N has been really hugg-y lately. Like strong bear hugs where she wraps her whole body around me. It's very sweet! She's also been giving lots more kisses. She's also learned to count to five. Learned it at school and one day I said "one" and she surprised me by saying "two, free, fow." Adorable!
I have always done this lip popping thing at Hayden and it always made him laugh. Now he does it back to me ALL THE TIME even when he is eating. I am still waiting for crawling but he will move himself around in a circle on his belly and will lean on his hands while sitting and rock. Maybe this means crawling will be soon.
Andrew's been developing so quickly lately! In the past two weeks, he got his first two teeth, learned to sit up, and started crawling! He's also working hard on pulling up on the coffee table, and he loves to stand with assistance.
Katie finally pulled herself up! Our daycare teacher also said that she repeated a "moew" but I have not heard it. I swear (DH does not believe me) she is tryng to say our cats name whioch is Arthur. When she "says" it, it sounds like Atta. He walks into a room and she goes Atta so I think she is trying to say it!
This really doesn't mesh with the rest of the replies, but I had a major accomplishment today! I finally got my car inspected! It was due back in September!!!! I just never got around to doing it, then last week I was pulled over and told to get it done! So...it's done!
pregnancy milestone.... DH was able to see my belly moving for the first time last night! He thought it was pretty crazy. and the movements are becoming less like little pokes here and there, and more like rolls and punches. ha! I LOVE IT!
Brought to you by IVF, ICSI, limited fert, and oocyte cryopreservation. Because we're fancy like that.
E has been smiling up a storm and the biggest news is that she is sleeping and napping in her cosleeper and the swing and not on our chests or in the moby 24/7. We still do plenty of those too, but it is nice to have some free time and free hands and better sleep for mommy!
TTC since Dec '04
Severe MFI-diagnosed 12/06
3 failed Fresh IVFs
FET #1 - BFP!! 2 blasts tx on day 6.
Beta #1 8dp6dt = 56, Beta #2 = 600, Beta #3 = 5600
My Blog
Bright is starting to say more words! His new words are "puppy", "yummy"
Married on 3.20.2004. It took 30 month, 2 failed adoptions and IVF for our first miracle. We have had 9 foster kids since he was born and started the domestic adoption process when he was 10 month old, we had 4 failed matches in that time. After our daughter was born we brought her home and spent 2 weeks fearing we might lose her because of complications that came up. But Praise God all went through and she is ours forever! Expecting again after IVF
Henry is making progress towards crawling - he still won't get up to his hands and knees from laying on his belly but... when he's sitting on the floor he sort of 'walks' his hands forward in front of him and pushes himself into the 'all fours' position and rocks.
And he's finally starting to make some consonant sounds (yay! I had been worried about this one) At just shy of 8 months he now says "guh guh guh" and "bee bee bee"
Love all the replies! I love hearing happy & fun stuff about everyone's kiddos!!
Abby's 3rd tooth just popped through. She is pulling up so she wants to stand ALL the time. DH and I always make the fishy face and her and now she has started doing it too! It is so darn cute! I hope to catch it on camera!
Cal's been full-on walking for the last week+. His latest cute thing is "asking" to be carried in the Ergo. He actually led DH to his closet the other day and pointed to the Ergo, which was hanging inside. Or, if it's lying around, he'll pick it up and look at us with an expression that says "please??" He also has taken to handing us the books he wants us to read. Very cute!
Childhood cancer (DH) + chemo + radiation = 0 sperm.
LO #1 - 1 unmedicated/self-monitored IUI w/ donor sperm.
LO #2 - 1 m/c, 2 BFNs, 4th IUI worked (unmedicated/self-monitored with new donor sperm).
Life is beautiful!
This really doesn't mesh with the rest of the replies, but I had a major accomplishment today! I finally got my car inspected! It was due back in September!!!! I just never got around to doing it, then last week I was pulled over and told to get it done! So...it's done!
Haha. The exact same thing happened to me. I didn't get pulled over, thank God, but a cop takes her kids to Matt's daycare. She knocked on my car window, and pointed to my windshield, and said, "Just so you know, you can get a really big fine for that. I should know, I write tickets for it every single day". Whoops!! I honestly had no clue it was due either. My inspection has always been due in February, but I bought a new car in Oct of 2008, so my inspection was due in Oct of 2009.
TTC for 19 months. Dx: PCOS. 3 IUI's with Clomid= BFN 1st IUI with injectables= BFP
Caroline's latest thing is being able to get her fist to her mouth every single time...before now, she would hit herself in the nose, eyes, forehead,etc...
It is super cute when she is hanging on on DH's shoulder, sucking on her fist...I love it...
More importantly, she slept from 2am till 8am today ;-)
Last week was 32 wks. My doc. told me that 32 wks is a HUGE milestone. He said that if we have to deliver from that point on out, DD wouldn't be able to come home with us but there wouldn't be any lasting effects from a delivery then. That made DH & I breathe a big sigh of relief.
My DS FINALLY learned to clap...and the other day I just said "can you clap" and didn't show him, and he did it! It was so nice to see that he actually understands something! He has been waving for about a month, but now he is going crazy with it. I watch him on the video monitor waving at the door waiting for us to come back in his room. He also was stuck on dadada for a long time, but finally is saying nana, ninini and mamama. Still doesn't know what they mean yet, but it is progress!
And he is a little daredevil. He moves his toys (not sure if he means to or not) next to some taller object and will use them as a step stool to climb up. He climbed into his toy basket, on to the couch, and on TOP of the music table the other day (I was standing right there).
Oh and for #2 - I am finally feeling some small movements...this one has been pretty quiet in there and I have an anterior placenta, so I haven't felt much up until this point. Thankfully I have a doppler!
Re: What's baby/your latest accomplishment?
Lucy has started with a lot of 3 word phrases - Lucy shoes buh-bye (can you tell she only wears shoes when we go out? and the one from the other day Lucy go grandma's.
Funny moment: She's really into necklaces lately - she put dh's road ID (dog tag style) on the dog, stood back and said "beautiful" and then today she was putting rosaries (they are out in a pile to be donated) on his little stump of a tail, hysterical!
I am thankful every day for my miracle after infertility.
And thrilled to be pregnant again after FET!
Brady is finally starting to put words together. Usually it comes out as "No Mommy!" with a finger point in my face. Which is hysterical to me, but I have to try really hard not to laugh at him. He is starting to put other little phrases together too. It is so fun to watch him grow and learn new things.
Nolan is just starting to sit up unassisted. When did he get so big?!!?
Dillon almost rolled over. He could have done it had he kept going, but he smacked himself in the face with the toy he was trying to grab for and then started crying.
Still no smiles - I think I may have a super serious baby on my hands.
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v705/arriinthere/PJ/?action=view
Jacob is crawling like a mile a minute! He's all over the place! He's pulling up to standing and starting to cruise a bit.
And if you could see his hair today, you would laugh your a$$ off. It is all wild and curly and crazy!
Andrew's been developing so quickly lately! In the past two weeks, he got his first two teeth, learned to sit up, and started crawling! He's also working hard on pulling up on the coffee table, and he loves to stand with assistance.
I'm just so amazed. Where'd my little baby go?
Because we're fancy like that.
Henry is making progress towards crawling - he still won't get up to his hands and knees from laying on his belly but... when he's sitting on the floor he sort of 'walks' his hands forward in front of him and pushes himself into the 'all fours' position and rocks.
And he's finally starting to make some consonant sounds (yay! I had been worried about this one) At just shy of 8 months he now says "guh guh guh" and "bee bee bee"
Love all the replies! I love hearing happy & fun stuff about everyone's kiddos!!
Charlie will roll over onto his back in the bathtub so he can kick like in swim class. He also blows bubbles like we practice in swim class!
He learned the word "Mine" not so sure I'm enjoying that one!
Married 8.13.2005, M/C 12/8/06- 5 weeks, M/C 2/27/07- 7 weeks, M/C w/ D&C 8/10/09-6.5 weeks *Charles Lawrence born 5/2/08 @ 3:14am, 7lb 8oz, 20.5 inches. Clomid, Crinone and baby aspirin. *Alexandra Claire born 9/14/10 @ 9:52am 6lb 14oz, 20.5 inches. Femara, Crinone and baby aspirin.
LO #1 - 1 unmedicated/self-monitored IUI w/ donor sperm.
LO #2 - 1 m/c, 2 BFNs, 4th IUI worked (unmedicated/self-monitored with new donor sperm).
Life is beautiful!
Haha. The exact same thing happened to me. I didn't get pulled over, thank God, but a cop takes her kids to Matt's daycare. She knocked on my car window, and pointed to my windshield, and said, "Just so you know, you can get a really big fine for that. I should know, I write tickets for it every single day". Whoops!! I honestly had no clue it was due either. My inspection has always been due in February, but I bought a new car in Oct of 2008, so my inspection was due in Oct of 2009.
Caroline's latest thing is being able to get her fist to her mouth every single time...before now, she would hit herself in the nose, eyes, forehead,etc...
It is super cute when she is hanging on on DH's shoulder, sucking on her fist...I love it...
More importantly, she slept from 2am till 8am today ;-)
My DS FINALLY learned to clap...and the other day I just said "can you clap" and didn't show him, and he did it! It was so nice to see that he actually understands something! He has been waving for about a month, but now he is going crazy with it. I watch him on the video monitor waving at the door waiting for us to come back in his room. He also was stuck on dadada for a long time, but finally is saying nana, ninini and mamama. Still doesn't know what they mean yet, but it is progress!
And he is a little daredevil. He moves his toys (not sure if he means to or not) next to some taller object and will use them as a step stool to climb up. He climbed into his toy basket, on to the couch, and on TOP of the music table the other day (I was standing right there).
Oh and for #2 - I am finally feeling some small movements...this one has been pretty quiet in there and I have an anterior placenta, so I haven't felt much up until this point. Thankfully I have a doppler!