My LOs are almost a year and I am sooo ready to switch them to whole milk. I have a few big formula containers left and I figure when it's gone we're done. When you ladies switched, did you do it gradually or all at once? If gradually, how did you do it? Mix formula and WCM together or do it one feeding at a time?
Re: Did you switch to WCM cold turkey or gradually?
We did half formula half milk for 2 bottles and whole milk in a sippy til the last can of formula ran out then switched over to Whole Milk.
I still had frozen BM so we just went gradually. I didn't mix it at all.
ETA: I never put WCM in bottles, just sippies
I started giving WCM at 2 feedings (lunch and snack) and then eventually switched over to all WCM - did the switch over about 3 weeks, but we were also on BM so that may be why it was slower.
Joey, Ronnie, and Audrey,
my awesome IUI 30 week twins, and my surprise miracle
LOVE my SAIF ladies