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ugh! teething vs. a cold??

How do you know the difference? (Although I guess it doesn't really matter since he feels like crap either way).  Jake woke up snotty faced with a runny nose, red around the eyes (which makes me think a cold) and generally a little cranky/whiny.  He's been coughing a lot in his sleep- I think that's what woke him up this morning and sneezing.  Maybe it's a combo of both?? I feel so bad for my little bubba!

Re: ugh! teething vs. a cold??

  • I have trouble telling the difference too. So far, E seems to get a runny nose (clear) with teething and congestion (not clear!) with a cold. But I tend to treat both the same way -- humidifier and the dreaded nose sucker!

    I hope he feels better soon!

    After 20 months, 3 Clomid cycles and 4 IUI cycles, IVF #1 with ICSI = BFP!
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