He wakes up every two to three hours to nurse. He's not drinking, it's more for comfort. He can't get himself back to sleep on his own. I'm his human pacifier. Any advice? I know it's my fault because I let him nurse all night, but it's starting to become too much. Do I need to see a sleep expert? Is this normal?
Re: HELP! My 11 month old is still not sleeping throught the nigh!
we had the same problem while BFing. finally around 11m he started only waking up twice a night- before 11 m it was 2-5 times a night. At 11.5 i had to stop BFing and after less than a week he started STTN. I sometimes resisted giving him a bottle or the boob (while still BFing), but like you he would kinda scream until he got it because it comforted him.
No real advice for you, but are you weaning soon? If so, maybe you will get more sleep.
He finally STTN but still sometimes wakes up once for a bottle (and I give it to him since I can kinda tell his scream when he won't put himself back to sleep). But...he still bedshares with me...
well, my DS still wakes up once...so take my advice with a grain of salt. BUT don't run right in. Give him 10 minutes and see what he does. If he is still up, go in and pat his back, etc. Then give him another 10. Try that a few times.
But as I said, my DS still wakes up once to eat and he EATS when he does. If that is the case, then I'd nurse, but it doesn't sound like that is the case in your situation.