Success after IF

Caroline is sleeping...

and I was able to put her to bed at a reasonable hour...sometime around 10pm...

So, why the heck am I still up?  She and DH are snoozing away in our bedroom, and I am on the couch, not snoozing...

They have the radio on, which is great for them, but I cannot sleep with it on.  She'll be up ready to eat in a little while, and I've not even had so much as a nap. 

Oh well...I'm just thrilled she went to sleep at a reasonable hour...that's all I've wanted out of life for days and days...

I think after they get up for her to eat, I'm kicking them out of our room, in the PNP in the living room, DH on the couch...Mommy in the bed ;-)

Re: Caroline is sleeping...

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