Success after IF

s/o from 2nd tri board - Octomom on cover of Star

She's in a bikini and claims she got her body by diet/exercise and other natural methods. First of all  - Hell no you did not get that stomach w/o plastic surgery and Second - This just perpetuates the problem in our society that expects women to look perfect, skinny and flawless after having children. Makes me so angry on many levels.

Baby Beau
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TTC #1 for 5 years - Many years, many tears 3 Clomid IUIs all BFN IVF#1 w/ ICSI = BFP!!!! Beta #1 - 157 11dp3dt, Beta #2 - 340 13dp3dt

FET for #2 9/1/11 Beta #1 9dp5dt - 153!!! Beta #2 11dp5dt - 426!!! Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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Psalm 113:9 He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD.

Re: s/o from 2nd tri board - Octomom on cover of Star

  • Me too! And come on, NO Stretch marks?!?!?!?!? yea right!!!!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I saw that and though BS!!!  There is NO way she looks that way w/o surgery.
    TTC since Jan 07. Dx with PCOS Jan 08 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • I saw that... And honestly she didn't look that good, either.


    Didn't they show a picture of her with her belly covered in stretch marks while she was pregnant? 


  • I saw that on the news stand today!  UGH...such lies! 

    They were talking about it on some magazine show, like ET Tonight, and my husband looked at me and said "Wow, she looks great after having 14 kids.  Honey, you have no excuse since you only had one."  He said with a laugh but the laugh stopped after I flung the remote at him.  Talk about false advertisement....right, no plastic surgery?  BS.


  • Come on! Confused

    The belly button is a dead giveaway. She totally had a tummy tuck...


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  • She is a lying sack of you-know-what.  She also claims she hasn't had any work done on her face.  She went to my junior high school.  I have seen her yearbook picture.  She lies, lies, lies.

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I just dont believe it.  Sure maybe somehwre in the world that is possibl without surgery, but she is the biggest weirdo ever so I have no doubt it is one big lie.
    Severe MFI resulting in IVF/ICSI #1 in Nov 2007. BFP!!
    Our beautiful son was born July 2008.
    2010: 2 IVF's,1 FET = 2 BFN's, 1 c/p :(
    Feb 2011-Unmedicated FET= BFP!! DS #2 born Oct 2011!!.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Why would she even lie about that?  Everyone knows she had surgery.  Ugh.
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