Congrats on your healthy baby girl! Have fun on your babymoon!
IUI # 1 on 1/19, Beta 2/1 = BFN, Hysteroscopy on 2/15= 5 polyps removed, and cervix cleared, IUI #2 on 4/15 = BFP, Beta#1 on 4/30 @ 15 dpiui= 279, Beta #2 on 5/9 @24dpiui = 10,154, U/S on 8/5 = TWO GIRLS! Born 10/16 at 28 weeks.
PCOS, lupus anticoagulant, MTHFR (A1298C, one copy)
2 IUIs & 1 IVF = BFN
FET#1 = It's a girl! Born 7.1.10
FET#2 = c/p
FET#3 = Twin girls! Born on 3.16.12 at 33w2d due to severe pre-E. After 4 weeks in the NICU they are home!
Married on 3.20.2004. It took 30 month, 2 failed adoptions and IVF for our first miracle. We have had 9 foster kids since he was born and started the domestic adoption process when he was 10 month old, we had 4 failed matches in that time. After our daughter was born we brought her home and spent 2 weeks fearing we might lose her because of complications that came up. But Praise God all went through and she is ours forever! Expecting again after IVF
TTC since 05
Dh diagnosed with azoospermia. Unsuccessful reconstructive surgery in 07-08.
IVF w/ ICSI #1: BFP! 1 strong heartbeat and 1 lost twin @ 2nd U/S...bittersweet
Baby Beau TTC #1 for 5 years - Many years, many tears
3 Clomid IUIs all BFN
IVF#1 w/ ICSI = BFP!!!!
Beta #1 - 157 11dp3dt, Beta #2 - 340 13dp3dt
FET for #2 9/1/11 Beta #1 9dp5dt - 153!!! Beta #2 11dp5dt - 426!!!
Psalm 113:9 He settles the barren woman in her home
as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD.
Re: Back from our big u/s!!...
Congrats on your baby girl! They are so much fun!
Have lots of fun on your babymoon!!
YAY!!!!! welcome to team pink!!! I'm so excited for you!
and so glad the babymoon is still a go! so fun!
Because we're fancy like that.
Baby Beau
TTC #1 for 5 years - Many years, many tears 3 Clomid IUIs all BFN IVF#1 w/ ICSI = BFP!!!! Beta #1 - 157 11dp3dt, Beta #2 - 340 13dp3dt
FET for #2 9/1/11 Beta #1 9dp5dt - 153!!! Beta #2 11dp5dt - 426!!!
Psalm 113:9 He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD.
Have fun on your babymoon!