I did an introduction post earlier today but I thought I would put a link up for it so that the evening ladies can participate.
ETA: If you want to participate in this post, that is fine. LVBlvd answered the questions so just reply or quote her.
Sorry if you have trouble clicking on it, it is just long.
Re: RP for evening ladies: Introduction Time
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Megan
Diagnosis: PCOS
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF w/ ICSI
How far along are you/how old is your LO: 9 months old!
Any other info you care to share with us: I love being a SAHM and wife! I am so busy and way more tired that I ever was working full time! I started BCP for IVF #2 and am very excited!
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Joy
Diagnosis: PCOS
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): Clomid with TI for #1 and #2,Pure luck with #3
How far along are you/how old is your LO: 3.5 years, 1.5 years, 9w PG
Any other info you care to share with us: I feel weird even calling myself SAIF with 3 kids so close together. But we TTC for 21 months with #1, 18 months for #2 and 12 months for #3.
How far along are you/how old is your LO I am 18 weeks pg today.
Any other info you care to share with usThanks for being so supportive and helpful! I love seeing all of your babies grow.
Screen name: close2it
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Jayme
Diagnosis: MIF: Azoospermia
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF with ICSI
How far along are you/how old is your LO: I'm 22 weeks today
Any other info you care to share with us: I teach 1st grade and love it. I wish I could post more often but can't log on at work and feel like I'm too late to post on most everything by the time I get home.
I'll post here also, I don't want to go unnoticed. : )
Screen name cmw&tdm
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it) Cynthia
Diagnosis One tube (lost other one to ruptured ectopic before I had DS) and "mild" PCOS. In addition to the ectopic, I've also had a m/c and a lost twin.
Treatment used to get your BFP(s) Clomid for DS, IVF for DD
How far along are you/how old is your LO DS is 3 and DD is 7 mos
Any other info you care to share with us I love this board, I just wish I had more time to post.
Screen name: Kahana
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Laura
Diagnosis: Endo
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF w/ ICSI
How far along are you/how old is your LO: 9 months old!
Any other info you care to share with us: We have an appt tomorrow with the RE to start treatments for another baby!! I am so excited but I think I am even more nervous than I was the first time!! We are going to start with IUIs and if that doesn't work I will have to change our insurance carrier to do IVF ( in Hawaii each insurance carrier has to cover one IVF). I did my cycle day 3 blood tests yesterday and couldn't believe how excited I was to start the process again
Screen name Leslie&Brian
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it) Leslie
Diagnosis PCOS
Treatment used to get your BFP(s) IUI#4 (Tamoxifen, Follistim, Ganerelix, and Ovidrel)
How far along are you/how old is your LO He'll be 4 months old tomorrow
Any other info you care to share with us I'm a nurse. I *love* music (all genres; have over 400 CD's), love to scrapbook, and take pictures of LO. Now that I'm back to work FT, I usually only post in the evenings and on the weekends.
Screen name: Gretchen*loves*Michael
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): not comfortable sharing it... teehee
Diagnosis: LPD/RPL/factor II & MTHFR
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF (#2)
How far along are you/how old is your LO: 9 months old!
Any other info you care to share with us: right now i SAH with M&D. i am an EBFer (and am happy to talk to any twin, or any other, mamas about BFing any time
and make most of their solid food. i am also a lover of babywearing, and we cloth diaper. we live in NJ but are looking to relocate in the near future. we've been married 4.5 years.
My Blog
Our successful cycle was IVF #2: Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol - 2 beautiful blasts transferred.
email me: gretchela@hotmail.com
Screen name: BeccaLandes
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Becca
Diagnosis: PCOS/ovulatory dysfunction
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF #1
How far along are you/how old is your LO: 27w4d
Any other info you care to share with us: I am obviously happy to be here and can't believe how far along I've made it, especially since I have worried every step of the way. I appreciate the support!
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Jennifer
Diagnosis: PCOS, both tubes blocked (sucessfully unblocked during lap)
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): got pg on a break cycle after my lap
How far along are you/how old is your LO: 8 months old this week!
Any other info you care to share with us: Hoping to conceive #2 on our own. I love how supportive this board is!
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Mollie
Diagnosis: PCOS
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): INJ/IUI
How far along are you/how old is your LO: 21 months, 2 months, and we would love more anytime!
Any other info you care to share with us: I am currently a SAHM, but looking for evening/part time employment. I love being a mom, and my boys are a blast! IF and having children would be the most defining event(s) of my life!
Screen name: efhoping2010
Diagnosis: DH dx: Obstructive Azoospermia
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF w/ ICSI
How far along are you: 22 weeks 4 days pregnant with twins
Any other info you care to share with us: I love both the SAIF and IF boards, I have found so much comfort and support and excellent opinions and advice. I feel just so blessed to be able to post here with all of you amazing ladies
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Tracy
Diagnosis: Unexplained
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF
How far along are you/how old is your LO: 13 months
Any other info you care to share with us: I am a longtime lurker (From back in my TTTC days). I do respond to posts when it is something I know something about (subchorionic bleeds, pProm, preemies, eSet), but the rest of the time, I usually just lurk. Not sure why. But I do feel like I know you all. Also -- I have an FET transfer scheduled for Friday -- can't wait!
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Beth
Diagnosis: Unexplained. I do have clotting disorders (see sig) that they believe led to my early onset HELLP Syndrome, but they do not think that they contributed to our IF.
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IUI w/ injectibles for our twins. This little one was conceived on an unmedicated cycle. TTC 3 years now. How far along are you/how old is your LO: 30 weeks, and thankful for every day. Any other info you care to share with us: We lost our boy/girl twins when they were born prematurely (20 weeks) because I developed HELLP Syndrome. Although I'm certainly no expert, I've tried to educate myself as much as possible on preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome, and am happy to talk to anyone with questions. Even though I'm not the most active poster, this board and IF have been my home for several years now, and I'd be lost without it and you all!
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Kelly
Diagnosis: Blocked tube, endometriosis, MFI
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF w/ ICSI #3
How far along are you/how old is your LO: 11 months old! And 7w4d pregnant!
Any other info you care to share with us: Excited and nervous about my pregnancy - 2 under 2 here I come!!!
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Juliann
Diagnosis: PCOS
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): First: 150mg Clomid, Dexamethasone, Estradiol, metformin, Second: surprise unmedicated
How far along are you/how old is your LO: DD: 5 months old, 12 weeks pregnant
Any other info you care to share with us: I'm a SAHM, young (as most of you know now
Screen name: LisandBryan
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Lisa
Diagnosis: PCOS
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF w/ ICSI
How far along are you/how old is your LO: almost a year old but were 2.5 months early
Screen name: Sasa625
Diagnosis: Don't really have a specific diagnosis... I stopped ovulating after taking birth control and found out before we were actually TTC that I would need some help
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): Clomid
How far alon are you/how old is your LO: DD is 7 months old today!
Any other info you care to share with us: I didn't post here for awhile because I felt like my journey was nothing compared to any of yours... the women on here are so inspirational! But this was such a supportive and welcoming board I just couldn't stay away!
Wait, what was the drama over the weekend? I missed it.
About me:
Screen name: babydontforget
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): MelissaDiagnosis: Unexplained.Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVFHow far along are you/how old is your LO: I'm 11 weeks pregnant with twins, my first pregnancy.Any other info you care to share with us: Let's see...I love nachos. I'm excited to be pregnant. To me, babies r us is just like home depot--totally overwhelming--except purple. I work at home (often in my PJs), and I'm also earning a master's degree part-time. Where I live, it's F-ing cold. I love Project Runway.
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Rita
Diagnosis: PCOS with IR
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): 5mg of Femara, 2000 mg of Metformin, 1500 mg of Methyldopa, an Ovidrel shot and TI
How far along are you/how old is your LO: I'm 32 weeks 2 days!
Any other info you care to share with us: I'm completely freaking out that my EDD is less than 2 months away now!!! I've procrastinated and don't really have a nursery yet but hopefully all that will change in the next 2 weeks!
Screen name: MrsBee10
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Real first name is Kristen but everyone calls me K.D. (like katie)
Diagnosis: MFI
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF w/ ICSI
How far along are you/how old is your LO: 4 months old
Any other info you care to share with us: We TTC for almost 4 years before seeing an RE. I lurked forever, but I changed my SN (it used to have my last name in it) started posting on TTTC a few months before my IVF. Since #1 worked, I wasn't there too long. I don't think many people know me, but I try to give input when I can.
I do love this board, and it's support - but I really only can get on in the evenings and sometimes at work.
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Melissa Diagnosis: Unexplained Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF How far along are you/how old is your LO: 22 months old! Any other info you care to share with us: I work PT night shifts as a high risk pregnancy, postpartum and nursery nurse! I had my baby at home with a midwife and I am still breastfeeding!
Screen name: MrsT820
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Natalie
Diagnosis: Endo & 'weak ovulation'
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): surprise after 18 months
How far along are you/how old is your LO: just past 29 weeks
Any other info you care to share with us: I don't post often, but every time I have, you all have been super helpful - so thank you! We are having a little boy, due in April, and never thought I could be this happy!
Screen name: Desabean
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Susan
Diagnosis: Unexplained, but I'm 37 and do have a history of fibroids too.
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF w/assisted hatching
How far along are you/how old is your LO: She'll be 7 months old on Thursday-- yikes!
Any other info you care to share with us: I miss my daughter all day long. I don't think I'll ever be able to be a SAHM, at least not without giving up our current life, and I do like working but....I miss her!
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): take a guess
Diagnosis: PCOS and MFI
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF w/ ICSI
How far along are you/how old is your LO: 8 months old!
Any other info you care to share with us: I'm not around every day (work 12-hour shifts so those days I'm kinda limited) but I still check on all of you every day from my phone!
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Jill
Diagnosis: PCOS and MFI
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF w/ ICSI
How far along are you/how old is your LO: Ava is 15 months, and I am 22 weeks pg with twins!
Any other info you care to share with us: I can't nest from work, but I do check in almost daily on my phone from work (but I can't post for some reason) and I try to pop on every night.
Screen name: sweetpea18
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Sara
Diagnosis: PCOS and MTHFR
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): I think I ate approximately 8 carbs in the 7 months before I got pregnant
I was stubborn and I knew that once I started treatments, it would be the point of no return! I got pregnant the month before we were going to start medicated cycles (after 18 months of trying) I definately won't be as stubborn the next time!
How far along are you/how old is your LO: Reese is 10 months old!
Any other info you care to share with us: We are planning on trying for #2 this spring or summer. I'm scared to death of having another tiny being to be responsible for, but I'm very excited! I'm an OT and work with funny, old people!
Screen name: manda429
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Andrea
Diagnosis: Unknown, borderline morph and high FSH
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF w/ ICSI
How far along are you/how old is your LO: 11 months old!
Any other info you care to share with us: I'm on all the time but don't post much because it's very slow for me to post sometimes. If I can do anything to support an IF'er, I will. I have list of ladies I still pray for every week!
I'm also TTCA and having a hard time with jealousy again...
Screen name: onu2006
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Jessica
Diagnosis: unexplained, I do have cystic ovaries, but not PCOS
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IUI#2
How far along are you/how old is your LO: Shaun is 11 months
Any other info you care to share with us: I'm in the process of weaning to get AF to return (how many times will I say that in my life?!), so we can start TTC#2.
Diagnosis: PCOS
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IUI #2 with Femara, Follistim and Ovidrel
How far along are you/how old is your LO: DS is almost 7 weeks old
Any other info you care to share with us: I have not been on here as much as I would like anymore since DS but I am slowly making my way back as we are getting a routine down!
Screen name: Christina617
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Christina
Diagnosis: PCOS
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): Follistim, Ovidrel, and TI
How far along are you/how old is your LO: He turned one yesterday!
Any other info you care to share with us: We're ttc again since I had my first PP AF in Dec. I doubt we'll conceive w/o treatments but we're hopeful. We can't seek treatment until I stop nursing, which may not be until DS is two due to his food allergies & intolerances.
TTC since Jan 07. Dx with PCOS Jan 08
Screen name: travelbug
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Bridget
Diagnosis: PCOS
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): Injects and IUI
How far along are you/how old is your LO: 16 months old and 31 weeks!
Any other info you care to share with us: I lost my first LO at 20 weeks to Spina Bifida. I work full time and can lurk but not post from there, so while a read everyday, I rarely post.
Screen name: AvaLikeLava
First name (if you are comfortable sharing it): Ava (pronounced from the word Lava)
Diagnosis: MFI
Treatment used to get your BFP(s): IVF w/ ICSI
How far along are you/how old is your LO: G is 17 months old on Fri
Photo by Zemya Photography