Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

i feel like a bad mom (need to vent)

 I need to vent for a minute. We took my DS to the doc last Tues. for his 3rd ear infection in his short little life so he is on antibiotics again, I had to miss 2 days of work last week. Well he still isnt feeling good and isnt eating well, still really cranky, he has thrown up a couple of times and of course the diarrhea from the antibiotics. So his pedi wants to see him again today to check his ears and since I missed 2 days last week I really cant take him to the pedi and DH is working out of town today and cant take him so my sister is taking him. I know she will take really good care of him so I am not worried about that but I just feel so bad that I cant be there. All I want to do today is cry.

Re: i feel like a bad mom (need to vent)

  • Don't beat yourself up!!  Life happens and sometimes others have to step in.  You know you want to be there and that's all that matters.  Just give him some extra mom time tonight!
  • As long as he is getting the care he needs then it doesn't matter who takes him. You are not being a bad mother. Hopefully he will be feeling better soon.
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  • Don't kick yourself!!! You're a fabulous mother who is busy providing for her family! You have someone who loves him that is willing and able to help you. Know that his needs are being met and he'll get better soon!
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  • Don't feel bad! You're lucky that your family is able to help out!
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