A little back story...
The plan all along was to have our second child, recover, and then have surgery to remove my bum ovary and tube. The ovary lost its blood supply and basically died, thus needing removal. We'd also planned to have the essure procedure done at the same time so that I could recover faster and still not have the risk of more children. (Essure places a coil in your tubes and causes scar tissue, blocking sperm.)
Well at my pre-op appointment I find out that Essure isn't an option because you cannot place just one coil. Both must be placed and I won't have two tubes. My OB says leaving my tube associated with the bum ovary isn't an option.
So.... what now?
Do I go forward with a tubal ligation and risk cutting the blood supply to my other ovary? My aunt did this and went into menopause at age 29. My mother also went into early menopause so maybe that's just in my cards.
OR do I go for a copper IUD? The side effects to that scare me, but I guess it can be removed. I just do not want to go back on hormonal birth control and it's not recommended that I have more children.
What would you do?
Sorry this is so long. I can never ask a short question, can I? lol
Re: not sure what to do - pp surgery & bc
Our Thanksgiving Day baby 11/22/07
Pregnant with #2 with LPD, uterine polyp/hysteroscopy, DOR (AMH = 0.17), 2 c/ps
Our early Christmas present 12/9/10
I'd go for the tubal ligation. I think that the procedures now have a lot fewer risks. I've never had any issues associated with mine.
I don't understand why they can only put Essure in both tubes, though. If you only have one, why can't they just put it in one? Bizarre!
I"m not clear - you gonna want more kids maybekindasorta, or no way?
no way? snip.
I would go for the IUD, I went through menopause with Lupron Therapy and it's no joke, even with addback, it's not fun at all. Good luck!!
P.S. We've missed you:) I paged you a few down:)
my thoughts exactly...
Yeah I've argued and not gotten a clear answer on why only one can't be placed. I was like "screw protocol, just do it." The OB didn't agree. lol!
We're fairly certain another pregnancy wouldn't be good for my health and would potentially terminate itself. I'm not sure I can handle another loss, knowing it could be a late pregnancy loss.
I guess the vas is an option. We just thought doing everything at one time would be the best option since I was going in anyway. Also, if something happened to me, he might want the option to have more kids. (He wants a boy. lol!)
I am sorry this is diffcult. I would also be on the "snip" bandwagon. Especially if he doesn't put up a fight.
Good luck!
My take - and I'm jaded:
I've gone thru a LOT both physically and emotionally in regards to our reproduction as a couple.
This one's on him.
I'm not putting anything else in my body. I'm not taking any chances on anything. I'm tired.
I'm done. I've more than done my part.
It's his turn.
My vote is snip too.
I totally get where you're coming from in that you'll already be under the knife so it's easier for you to just do it. I'd planned on getting my tubes tied during my D&C. But..... it's not without risks and I'm just flat out done being the one to bear the burden for all this stuff.
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.