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s/o Talking - Trig doesn't say much :(

Trig is almost 1 year old and he really doesn't even babble. I get the occasional da, ga, ba, ma but never the bababababababa kind of thing. I'm worried about him. I know that some of it is his preemie status but he really is doing well developmentally, all except the vocalizing. He is cruising, not walking, but not particularly behind physically. Just verbally. I am worried and I think that the pedi might refer him for services at his 1 year appointment. Anyone had to deal with this?

Re: s/o Talking - Trig doesn't say much :(

  • DS neither walked independently or talked til AFTER he was 14 months old.  He did a lot of babbling til then and cruised. 

    Within a week of learning how to walk he also started to talk.

    Sure he could have been considered for an evaluation and possible therapy but I was pretty adament about giving him time because it was obvious that he was developing and trying to work things out for himself.

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  • You realy should go by his adjusted age with all milestones.  He was 8 weeks early right?  I am dealing with it too.Dylan babbles all the time and Carter not at all. Nohting. My PT said to wait till one year adjusted adn see how he is doing before refereing him for a speech therpaist but I am do it sooner we will see.

    Carter may not talk but he is doing well iwth his gross motor skill where Dylan talks a lot and is more behind with his gross motor skills so they are complete opposite.  Trig may be more focused on the motor skills and hte language will come later.  Again I would wait till 11-12 months adjusted and see how he is doing then.

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  • Now he walks & runs with ease and at his 15 month appt when we tallied up the words he can say and understand it was over 30 words.  Some kids just take time but once they get it they really really get it!
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  • Does he understand words when you talk to him?
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  • My DS is the same way - he doesn't say much.  He will occasionally say bas, mas, gas, but really he is just stuck on dadadada.  Just over the weekend he added nanana to his repertoire.  And he finally started clapping and waving.  I have been trying to use just one word when talking - showing him a ball and just saying "ball", not saying "this is a ball, can you say ball?" or something like that.  One of my best friends is a speech therapist, so if it doesn't pick up soon, I am hoping I can have her play with him and see what she thinks!  I will let you know...And good luck to you - I know how frustrating it can be!
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  • My DS did not start talking until 18 months.  He would say dada, but that was it.  My pedi said she would refer at 2 yrs if he was not talking b/c he was hearing and processing everything.  Hang in there...boys are slower

    As for the walking...there are many that do not walk until after a year. 

    Try not to worry.  You are doing an amazing job

  • Bennett doesn't say much either (in the form of real words) but is babbling almost non-stop these days. He says "dad" and "dada" (and unfortunately "No") but that's about it. I think he's really trying to say "dog" and "stop" but it's not quite clear yet.

    He needs to hurry up and say "mama" :)

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  • If he wasn't vocalizing at all or you were concerned about his hearing, I would say go for it.  But since he is making noise, I would wait a bit.

    DS was doing some babbling at 12 months but no words. He also wasn't pointing, or waving then either.  Pedi suggested we watch and wait a bit. When DS still didn't have any (and I mean no consistent verbal words) at 16 months, we did an EI evaluation and he was found to have a delay that warrented therapy.  But between 12-16 months he did make other progress -- he started waving and pointing, and added a few signs.

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