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FF: When did your LO take more than...

4 oz. at a time? During most feedings DS doesn't completely finish the 4 oz. and takes about 100-110 ml.  I think there have been two times (including one tonight) where DS drank more than 4 oz. and since we're using the 4 oz. bottles right now, I had to start him on a second bottle. I now there's no point in moving to the larger bottles yet, but I'm just curious about when your LO started taking more.
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Re: FF: When did your LO take more than...

  • I want to say he was right around 4 months when he started taking 4 and sometimes 5 oz. This was when we went to the bigger bottles. We stayed at 5 oz. for about a month and then he went to 6 oz. and then to 7oz. (he is a big eater). However at 6-7 months once he started eating more food, he went back down to 6 oz. bottles (except right before bed, then he has a 7-8oz. one).
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  • we used playtex drop ins and the 4 oz actually held 5...

    I never switched to bigger bottles. Even now, for his 1 bottle a day, E drinks 5 oz


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  • He moved up to 4oz at around 4 months.  He was a good eater (still is).  Each month we increased his bottle by 1oz (i.e. 4oz at 4 months, 5oz at 5 months, etc.) unti we reached 8oz.  Once he was fully on table food, his milk intake dropped a lot and he know drinks 15-18oz of cows milk a day from a sippy. 
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