Success after IF

Please recommend your sippy cup

just looking for recommendations.


Re: Please recommend your sippy cup

  • It took Brady a little while before he "got" the sippy cup. The ones that got him going were the cups with the straws. Once he got good with those he preferred the Nuby ones. Now that he is older he will use any one. I think the Nuby ones were softer so they were similar to a bottle and made a good transition.
  • Any that do not have a hard plastic top. Colin loves the silicon straws and the ones with a silicon "spout." I like Gerber's because you can buy replacement valves for sill proof or go without it so I feel he can grow with it. The Munchkin ones are a little different and wear out and still spill when thrown from the high chair.
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  • We also use the nuby ones with the straws.  They like to drink out of my water bottle so we figured the ones with straws would be best for them.  We also used the Avent sippy cups and they did ok with them, but didnt get that they had to tip their heads back.
    TTC#1 since Feb 07 with PCOS and mild MFI
    i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart) Our first love and loss 7/2/07

    3 cycles clomid TI = BFNs
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    6/27/08 Surprise BFP = chemical pg
    IVF#1 July 08 BFP @7dp3dt
    TTC #3 since February 2010
    FET Sept. and Oct. 2010=BFN's
    IVF#2 June 2011=BFP

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  • Avent would drip for us.  Gerber works great!  No drips!
  • I haven't found ones I/we really like yet.  But I can second that Avents leak like crazy.  I even called the company to complain and they said they get that a lot and, basically, too bad.
  • My DD has had good success with Nuby sippy cups, so far we like them and she is drinking 1-2 oz of water out of them on her own.
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