my eardrum is about to rupture
Went to a doc-in-the-box tonight because my ear had been hurting all day even with ibuprofen. Thought I just had a bad sinus infection and maybe a little ear infection. He looked in my ear and said "This looks bad, this is really, really bad." He was going to give me a prescription for steroids but after the bloodwork he decided I needed the steroid shot. He hopes that gets the swelling down and keeps my eardrum from rupturing. Oh, and my bloodwork shows that I have mycroplasma (bacterial infection). Sure I got that from my 1st graders. He said that if I had waited much longer to get meds that I would have probably had pneumonia. Fabulous. So I got antibiotics too. He even offered Lortab or Darvocet for pain but I don't do well with narcotics so I opted for the ibuprofen (800mg). He said that if the pain gets too bad tonight that I need to go to the ER so that the ENT there can lance my eardrum. Fun times:(
Re: no wonder I hurt so bad
Yikes! Hope you feel better!