
no wonder I hurt so bad

my eardrum is about to rupture

Went to a doc-in-the-box tonight because my ear had been hurting all day even with ibuprofen.  Thought I just had a bad sinus infection and maybe a little ear infection.  He looked in my ear and said "This looks bad, this is really, really bad."  He was going to give me a prescription for steroids but after the bloodwork he decided I needed the steroid shot.  He hopes that gets the swelling down and keeps my eardrum from rupturing.  Oh, and my bloodwork shows that I have mycroplasma (bacterial infection).  Sure I got that from my 1st graders.  He said that if I had waited much longer to get meds that I would have probably had pneumonia.  Fabulous.  So I got antibiotics too.  He even offered Lortab or Darvocet for pain but I don't do well with narcotics so I opted for the ibuprofen (800mg).  He said that if the pain gets too bad tonight that I need to go to the ER so that the ENT there can lance my eardrum.  Fun times:(

Re: no wonder I hurt so bad

  • You poor thing.  Glad they caught it before it would have been much worse.  Feel better soon!
  • Yikes!  Hope you feel better!

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  • sorry to hear you are sick.  I was told that if your ear drum ruptures it will feel better afterward because it will release pressure.
  • That really sucks!  My DH had/has a really bad ear infection.  The doctor told him that if he hadn't gotten in when he did, his ear drum may have ruptured.  That was two weeks ago and he still is dealing with a lot of pressure in his ear, but it doesn't hurt anymore.  The doctor said the type of infection that he had was common in children, but not adults.  I wonder if it's similar to what you have.  I hope you feel better soon!
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