So Ive heard on a couple of the other boards that the Itzbeen Timers are a great tool to have...I was wondering if any of you used them when you were exclusively pumping in the beginning--I was thinking it might be nice to be able to help me keep track of when I last pumped and on what side and in the very beginning it might be nice to have a reminder of when I took my last pain med (since Im pretty sure I will be having a c-section)
Anybody have any recommendations? or did what did you all use to keep track of pumping while you were still adjusting? I feel kinda like I would be okay to just use my cell phone alarm and keep a running list of times/sides but Im worried that I'll be such a basketcase in the beginning that I will lose patience w/ that quickly
Re: Itzbeen timers--reco?
We have one and have used it every day since DD has been home. I used it to time my pumping, I used for when we gave her Mylicon and when she was fed/changed. We still use it, for peace of mind and to know when she last ate/took a nap.
We love it and highly recommend it. Target had them on clearance lat weekend, btw.
BFP #2: 9/25/08; 10/27/08 - Blighted ovum discovered, 11/5/08 - b/o confirmed
BFP #3: 1/19/09 - Chemical Pregnancy
BFP #4: 2/12/09; EDD 10/26/09 - Richie born on 9/4/09 at 4 pounds, 10 ounces
BFP #5: 5/27/11; EDD 2/4/12 - Sylvia is on her way!
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