Success after IF

XP: Update

I'm coping this from IF ot give you ladies an update. 

It appears that the bleeding has stopped.  I called my Peri back as she wanted to hear from me in an hour to see what the status was.

She said if it doesn't start again, to just take it easy for the weekend and drinks tons of water.  She wants me to come in Monday morning for an u/s just to confirm everything is OK.

If it picks back up, she wants me to call her and we will plan on meeting at the hospital for an u/s and to figure out what's going on.

Thank you for the T&Ps.  So sorry I totally freaked out.  Things have just been going to smoothly that I didn't expect to see bleeding this afternoon.


Re: XP: Update

  • Oh good, I'm glad it has stopped for now. Don't be sorry. I freaked out too when I had some brown/red discharge (around 9 weeks). Let us know how it goes on Monday.

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  • glad the bleeding has stopped!!! now go get some rest. :)
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  • I'm glad it has stopped. I'll be praying for you and the babies. ((hugs))
  • glad to hear things are quiet. Now your next hurdle will be in 2 weeks when all your syptoms go away and your chart can also say (like mine) "patient complains that nothing is wrong."


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  • Keep your feet up and drink your water!  I hope everything is just fine on Monday!!
    Health&Fitness Blog imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Our IVF miracles!
  • Good news!!! No denying that bleeding is terrifying! Hope it stays away now!!!
  • Glad to hear it's stopped just try to rest up and relax. I had the exact same thing at 8 weeks at 9 weeks we had an ultrasound and all babies we're fine. No spotting/bleeding since. Hope all is well Monday!
    IVF#1 - 2 Blast Transfered = BFP!!! Identical Triplets&Fraternal = QUADS!! imageLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Glad the bleeding has stopped. Get some rest and update us on how you're feeling. ((Hugs))
    TTC# 1 Since 10/2005----Diagnosed with PCOS March of 2006
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    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • I didn't see your earlier post, but I'm so glad it has stopped.  I had the same thing around 16 weeks and we never did find a cause.  Take it easy!
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  • Hey, getting in late to check the boards. I hope your bleeding has stopped. Will you get an u/s on Monday either way? Sending positives vibes your way and send us an update again soon!
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