If people aren't supposed to buy them used, what do you do with them? Are they recyclable? Do you just throw them in the trash? Or do you sell them at a garage sale or something (if they haven't been in an accident) and let other people make those decisions for themselves?
Re: What do you do with your old infant car seats?
Megan Hope 2yrs 3months
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
our town has a recycling event for car seats once/year.
I will probably give mine away on freecycle. even though you aren't "supposed" to get them 2nd hand - many people don't care and are happy to get one for free --- and since i know mine are in good shape i feel good about doing that.
Just B/W Friends (JBF)!!! I am not sure how many states have it but is a twice a year HUGE resale sale. There are JBF sales all over the state of TX and it is a great way to get DC name brand clothes inexpensively.
Check out their website: https://www.jbfsale.com/default.cfm
After 21 cycles, and severe MFI, we finally did it with IVF #1 w/ICSI! Nico arrived 12/3/08!!!
TTC for #2: IVF w/ICSI #2-4/17/10-BFN; IVF w/ICSI #3; 7/4/10-BFP!!! Beta #1- 96; Beta #2-528; Beta #3- 7371; 6w,5d-blited ovum=D&C
IUI #2 1/10/11-BFN; IUI #3 2/18/11-BFN
IVF #4 w/ICSI & PICSI ER 5/13/11, ET 5/1/118-BFP!! Natalee arrived on 1/23/12!!!!
Pregnancy Blog: Miracles Can Happen
Parenthood Blog: The Adventures of Nico & Natalee
There is no rule that people shouldn't use used seats, it is a preference that many people make, many people don't.
I would sell them at a consignment sale, garage sale, or offer them to someone you know having a baby.