Success after IF

and another question

He's sleeping right now, but he threw up everything before he went to sleep. Do I let him sleep as long as he will, or do I wake him up at some point and try to feed him again?

Re: and another question

  • I would maybe wait a couple hours/90 mins max. Then sit him up and "dream feed" him the tsp of fluids, as long as you think he won't choke. sometimes you'll get more into them if they're drowsy and can't refuse. Monitor him afterwards to make sure he does not vomit in his sleep and aspirate/swollow it. In fact, I'd try to position him on his side whenever possible.


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  • imageDavezWife:

    I would maybe wait a couple hours/90 mins max. Then sit him up and "dream feed" him the tsp of fluids, as long as you think he won't choke. sometimes you'll get more into them if they're drowsy and can't refuse. Monitor him afterwards to make sure he does not vomit in his sleep and aspirate/swollow it. In fact, I'd try to position him on his side whenever possible.



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  • I agree with PP but can also prop the mattress so he is tilted.  This will help in case he does vomit in his sleep. 
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