Evening ladies. I almost never post, but lurk a bit over here. I have a swaddling question...When did you all break the swaddle habit? LO loves being swaddled. I tried to "wean" him for four nights this week, but he seriosuly woke up every hour crying. I finally gave in and swaddled him. He is now STTN again. I still rock him to sleep as well, which I know can be a bad habit, so he has no real self soothing strategies. I am starting to worry about back to tummy rolling though. He cannot do this yet, but is arching a lot and has been tunny to back rolling for like three weeks...I think the swaddling makes him feel so much more secure, but is it going to become a safety issue? I am interested in hearing what you all did/think. I feel like his being a preemie may make him need that security a little more...
Re: Swaddling? Kinda long...
No swaddle could hold my LO, not even the ninja nicu nurses' skills. So I bought some of the swaddlemes, and she would kick out of the bottom of it and I'd find it bunched around her head. If she wasn't still on the apnea monitor at that time I would have freaked. So the minute the apnea monitor left, the swaddlemes left too.
LO sleeps in a sleepsack now and she STTN just fine. Once in a great while when she is really crabby and screaming (and I knwo nothing else is the matter) the only thing that works is if I swaddle her in a blanket and hug her until she falls asleep. Now usually this only happens during the day, so I can sit for 2-3 hours while she sleeps and just hold her, but I'll let you know what works if it happens at night.
She made the transition smoothly, but then again I think she really didn't like being swaddled so much to begin with.
Good luck!
we swaddled her forever... even now sometimes. (she's on oxygen, and we use an angelcare.) can you swaddle "arms out"? if he can almost roll back to tummy he should be able to push up on his arms (age-wise).. right? and have good head/neck control to pick it up and turn it if he rolled on his stomach.
you can wean them of sleep props. as i've posted recently we weaned our daughter of sleep props about a 3 weeks ago. (rocking, falling asleep on a drive, nursing to sleep...etc.) it was hard at first, but VERY possible. we still give her a binky- and now she's just fine with that.
good luck!
E was a swaddle addict. We just stopped using the velcro swaddlers a few weeks ago. We went cold turkey. She is nolonger sleeping through the night anymore but she was close to flipping herself over in the swaddle so we decided that the swaddle had to go. I think E is a little mad about it still. We went cold turkey so I can't give you any hints. GL
Carter won't nap during the day without being held, and I think this is because I don't swaddle him for naps (don't always know when he's going to fall asleep...and if I try to swaddle him after he's asleep...he wakes up).
But, at night he STTN for 9-11 hours/night, swaddled. He rolls both ways, mostly back to tummy...but can't roll yet while swaddled (isn't even close) - so I'm not worried.