OMG! I did NOT expect it to happen this soon (and this bad!). The last two days I've had lots of sciatic pain, but it was manageable. Then yesterday I sneezed, and all hell broke loose -- I'm thinking one of the babies shifted and is pinching the nerve much more. For awhile I couldn't stand, walk, sit, or put any weight on my right leg at all! Lots of heat helped, so at least I can move around today, but I can't sit on the floor or sit cross-legged, which is how I sit when I play with Ava.
What can I do to help this? Anything? I'll definitely see my chiro, and I've been using heat. Anything else?
Re: Holy sciatic pain!
I had no relief, Itty Bit stayed on it the entire time!
Baby Trail Blog
"Someday we will look at our babies and know it will be worth it. If it was easy, we would not have had our babies, the babies we were meant to have." From Amy052006