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Holy sciatic pain!

OMG!  I did NOT expect it to happen this soon (and this bad!).  The last two days I've had lots of sciatic pain, but it was manageable.  Then yesterday I sneezed, and all hell broke loose -- I'm thinking one of the babies shifted and is pinching the nerve much more.  For awhile I couldn't stand, walk, sit, or put any weight on my right leg at all!  Lots of heat helped, so at least I can move around today, but I can't sit on the floor or sit cross-legged, which is how I sit when I play with Ava.  

What can I do to help this?  Anything?  I'll definitely see my chiro, and I've been using heat.  Anything else? 

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Re: Holy sciatic pain!

  • I had no relief, Itty Bit stayed on it the entire time!


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  • The only thing that helped me was heat. The more I walked or moved, the more it hurt. I had to lie in one spot where I felt minimal pain. Sorry, sciatica sucks!
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  • I have a herniated disk at L5/S1 so I had a lot siactic pain. I went to acupunture throughout my pregnancy and I had very minimal pain.  Back pain is the worst I hope your start feeling better!
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