He should be on his way into surgery RIGHT NOW to get a valve in his heart replaced. "They" say it's a no-big-deal surgery, but he's 83 years old . . . and this same surgery was what killed my (other) grandmother almost exactly two years ago (eeek, that's actually kind of creepy--it was the 23rd of January . . .).
I'm going to be on pins and needles all day until I hear something . . . I'll let you know when I do!
Thanks guys!
Re: Could you spare T&Ps for my Grampy, please??
What is his first name- I just want to make sure they get to him.
Yes, I know I'm odd
Mum to Owen and Lucas
considered it done!
I hope he comes through surgery without any problems and recovers soon!
Oh God, how AWFUL!! I'm so sorry!!! I can imagine your poor grandfather, how sad!!
Ugh, please keep us posted!