We moved to a new city in Sept. My 4.5 yr old started a new preschool.
Turns out, a little girl in her class lives a few houses down. The mom gave me her # and really wants to get together.
Don't flame me, I am a normal person, but honestly I haven't had friends in a long time. And I've never been to a playdate. My dd is really, really pushing for this playdate.
So I need to call this lady.
First off, this other kid is an only child, but I also have a 2 yr old boy. So if we have a play date, at 4.5, does my kid just go over to the other kids house? Or is that rude/they're not old enough/that's not what a playdate is?
sSecond, if we do have a playdate, and it's at her house, can I bring my 2 yr old?
Third, WTF do you DO at a playdate? Isn't that AWKWARD, the kids are playing and you and this other lady you don't even know are forced to make small talk for like hours? Yikes!
Please school me on this! Thank you.
Re: Hi, don't flame me but I've never had a play date, and I have Q's about playdates!
You are so sweet sounding!
Go, and bring your youngest and just be happy and polite. Ask her about herself (people LOVE to talk about themselves and will think you're a great conversationalist if you keep asking her questions).
And have fun!
Oh, and bring something.
Me with my littlest.
Call her and set up the play date- and ask her if it's ok to bring yor 2yo. I have never heard of someone saying no!
Take something with you and wing it!
Have fun!!
Mum to Owen and Lucas >
What the PP said.
When you call her, ask if your 2 yo can come. I am SURE she will say yes. I would plan for a time when youi know everyone should be well-rested, but there is a definate "ending time" - like you will leave by 2pm for the 2 yo nap or something. That way, there is no awkward "I should leave, but how do I leave without sounding like I want to get the hellout of here because she is a total freak". haha
Bring something - a bowl of fruit salad, crackers and dip plate, etc - something everyone can eat. Steer away from popular allergy items - nuts, strawberries, milk items.
It will be fun. You can always just talk about the city you live in - ask for tips on places to eat, restaurants, events, shopping, soccer leagues, dance studios, etc since you are new to the area. She can "brag" about her town and there should be a lot to talk about.
Mommy to Rachel 1.15.06 and Ashley 5.17.11
Ahh, thanks ladies!! I am a little nervous.
Another thing-we both live really really close to a little neighborhood park- should I suggest w meet at the park? And then bring snacks (omg I never would have known to bring something, thanks!!!)?
If you meet at the park, which is ideal for first playdates, bring two of everything.
If you have a baggy of animal crackers for your kid, make sure you have another for hers.
Kids want what the other has - as I'm sure you know having 2 yourself.
Make friends! Friends get you through *everything*.
Me with my littlest.
This is how you make friends.
I so love Juniper.
But I don't recommend the drop off playdate that JOE mentioned. You can invite it, but I don't really trust other people who aren't teachers and my BFF's with my children.
Me with my littlest.