
Help me think of a little surprise for DH

DH is traveling a lot this month. I want to do something nice, but not overly mushy, for him like pack a surprise in his bag or have something waiting in his hotel room.  Ideas? We are not really mushy or sentimental people. What he would probably appreciate most is a bucket of KFC waiting in his room, but I don't know how to pull that off.

Re: Help me think of a little surprise for DH

  • When DH travels, I put pictures and notes in his suitcase. Now that DS is older, he draws pictures for daddy.

    You could do a little framed picture of the family for him.

    You can send a small gift to the hotel (candy or something) and in a note tell him you wanted it to be KFC, but couldn't get that shipped properly?

    ETA: Oh, and one time, I put in a hand held blackjack game in DH's suitcase. That was a fun surprise for wasting time on the tarmac!

  • Maybe pick up a couple of magazines or puzzle books for the plane ride and stick a couple of little notes in it and maybe a drawing from DC or a photo of you and DC? 
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  • I hide lots of little shoes, pockets, books, wallet, bag pockets, pretty much anyplace you can put one. Some of them are just a simple "xo" and others say more. :)
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