Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

flying tips

I posted on the toddler (12-24) board already.  Does anyone have any tips with flying with a 16 month old.  DS has been on several flights and has always done great.  Now that he is older I'm scared.  I think someone mentioned a travel magna doodle once and I purchased that today.  I will have plenty of snacks.  He also will not have his own seat.  TIA.

Re: flying tips

  • Have lots of patience!   Wink

    At that age, Katelin didn't sleep at all during the flight.  She liked playing with the window shade and walking up and down the aisle.  We have an aqua doodle traveler and that lasted a little bit until she threw the pen on the floor and I couldn't get to it.  Does he watch any shows?  Do you have a portable DVD player you can take?

    It looks like Katelin and I are flying standby by ourselves this weekend to attend a funeral and I'm not looking forward to it!  I'm not sure I have room on my lap anymore for Katelin to sit so I hope there are empty seats on the plane and Katelin can get one!

    Good Luck!

  • I have been flying with my son since he was 3 weeks old.  It really isn't bad just don't expect perfection.  I usually take his comfort item (blanket), a few small fave toys and a dvd player.  He will sit and watch movies the whole time.  I have found that for my son 1 1/5 hours is the limit to sitting without having to get up and walk around.  I also would bring lots of treats that he doesn't normally get!  Usually people sitting around you are really willing to move seats to avoid sitting next to a child.  If someone actually does stick it out and sit by you then usually they have kids and completely understand what you are going through.  I think you have done great so far preparing for you flight and good luck!
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  • Our holiday trip home was the hardest flight with C yet (it was the like 3rd or 4th flying trip she's been on).  She just wants to move move move and not sit still.  The things I rely on currently are food, lots of snacks to keep her busy and occupied.  She loves books, so those work pretty well (I pack a lot of stuff and bring it out one at a time).  Magna Doodle is a great idea.  Is he into stickers yet?  I know those kept my niece occupied on flights. 

    good luck!

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