my doc said I've gained 24 lbs so far and he said I'm right on track! that seems like a ton to me.. but he said he's not worried! all I'm thinking is of the wedding dress I have to put on 5 months post babies.. eek!!! (ETA: My best friend is getting married in November and I am her matron of honor!)
do you think my weight gain is pretty typical thus far??
Re: it's official, I think my belly "popped" PIP
I gained 24 at 20 weeks, too! My Peri is thrilled with my weight gain. He actually says I have "hardly gained anything" and I am now up 37 pounds at 33 weeks.
Good job!
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
You look great, yay for good appointments
Wedding dress??? I am sure you will look fantastic!
haha I should clarify, huh? I'm a matron of honor in my best friend's wedding in November this year... so I'm nervous about losing the weight, etc ;-)