Alabama Babies

The Neverending Ear Infection!

Well ladies, I am so frustrated with this ear infection Allie has!  She got a double ear infection around Thanksgiving and we gave her amoxicillin for 10 days.  She appeared better, but kept pulling at her ear for the next few days, but nothing else.  I called and asked the doctor if she could still have the infection, and they told me just to look for any other signs like a runny nose, etc.  Well, on the Monday before Christmas she had a horrible cough and throat congestion so we went back.  Yep, an ear infection in the right ear.  We started Omnicef that day.  Since then, we have been back to the doctor four more times because she just keeps getting new symptoms, or seems worse.  After being on Augmentin for six days, she had an allergic reaction and we then found out her other ear was now infected too!  We have done those three antibiotics, Biaxin, and a series of 3 Rocephin shots...only to find out on Friday that her ears are WORSE!  AGGHH!!! I am so tired of this!  They gave us one more antibiotic (yep, #6) on Friday (Biactrum).  We go back on Friday for a re-check, and if they are still infected we're going for tubes. 

Has anyone else gone through this?  I swear, it is like the incurable infection!!!  Also, do you think my doctor might be willing to send us to the ENT for tubes even if the infection is gone?  I am so afraid we're going to be back down this same path in a month if we don't do it now.

Allie ~ 01/26/09 ~ 7 lbs, 9 oz ~ 20.75 in. & Amelia ~ 03/16/11 ~ 8 lbs, 1 oz ~ 21 in.

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Re: The Neverending Ear Infection!

  • That's horrible!!! Poor baby!!

    Lyla had recurrent ear infections but never one that wouldn't go away. I know that's been tough on everyone. We went to the ENT for tubes after a year straight of ear infections. I believe Lyla had the beginning of an infection when we went in for tubes bc I remember him saying he had to drain her ear before inserting the tubes.

    She has had maybe 2 or 3 ear infections since and it was done at 10mos old. she gets sinus infections!! We can't win. The sinus infections haven't been as frequent though, thankfully.

    I was so afraid of her getting tubes but in the end it was the best decision. The good thing about tubes is if she does somehow get an ear infection with the tubes, it can happen, you will know almost immediately because the fluid will run out of her ear. Lyla woke up from a nap one day with her ear covered in what looked like ear wax. It was even on her pillow. Eww.

    Good luck and keep us posted! I hope she gets relief soon!

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  • Right before Christmas she had one so we were put on Omnicef which has always worked for us in the past, we went back to the dr and it was worse, so they put us on another antibiotic that we had never been on before. We go back on Friday and I am worried that they may still say that it is there.

    As far as tubes, they might consider it, but usually they want several for X amount of months...but since hers has been so bad, they may suggest it.

    A friend of mine also told me that sometimes when they are teething really bad and have colds, they can't seem to get rid of ear infections b/c of all of the extra drainage/build up.

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